Make It Stop!

I really can't stand all these new boybands coming out! I mean the BSB started the whole boyband thing then *Nsync and 98 Degrees followed. I could handle that, even if I didn't like them very much. I eventually started to warm up to a few of their members (Justin- Nsync/Jeff- 98 Degrees). But lately, I've been noticing that a whole slew of boybands are trying to make it big in America. They have NOOO fucking talent whatsoever and their looks can barely get them by! I don't want to hear all their gay songs and videos every where I go, so we (as true BSB and Nsync fans) need to do something about it!

Posers #1

Skandal - They better pray to God that they can sing cause their looks sure won't help them.

Wow, what a name! They must be sooo scandalous. My ass. They seem so freakin' pathetic they can't be recognised as real musicians. The really sad thing is that none of them are a little bit fine! Whoever put this group together must need their head checked. I haven't actually heard them sing yet but, God! they're soo damn ugly I don't wanna hear anything from them! Here's a better picture to prove my point.

See??? I bet you had to turn away from your computer to recover! The dude with the bangs looks like an angry bird. He's probably thinking "Word to yo motha". 

Posers #2

Five-The guy in the white jersey, Abs ( what the hell kind of name is Abs!?!) is a baddd ass! The rest of the group is posing like it's a Cover Girl shoot.

When they first came out I was like, "What punk-ass wannabes!" I vowed to hate them because they were wannabes of BSBs, but When The Lights Go Out was so damn catchy I just couldn't help myself! Plus J Brown was looking hella fine, too. What's a girl to do? The reason they are still in the losers section is the pure fact that they are losers! They talk about things that I really don't need to know! Stuff like, Scott once had a boner all day long for no reason, Jay likes to be tied up and handcuffed, and Abs wants to do it in a coffin. WTF is up with that??? At first it made me laugh but then I was like, umm ook. It's just a little too much info, thanks.  Whatever, I guess they're ok, It's their looks that save them.

This isn't the best pic, but....J is one fine piece of hot damn!

Posers # 3

EYC - Express Yourself Clearly

They caught my eye in the worst kind of way. 3 words describe this group. Ugly, Ugly, and Untalented! They are soooo bad that they make C Note really look like Boyz II Men! I first saw them in a Moxie Girl catalog pleading for young girls to go to a Sam Goody to get a free cassette sampler of their music. What's up with that guy's dookie braids? Just 'cuz Chris has 'em doesn't mean you  have to wear them too! If they had let me name this sorry, sorry ass group(it hurts to even call them a group) I would have named them "GSTH". That stands for Go Straight To Hell cause that's what they need to do.

more to come..

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