Why Must You Embarass Yourself Like This????

These pictures are pretty graphic. If you have just eaten in the last 30 minutes, DON'T LOOK! Come back later. Remember, you were warned!

Now, scroll down......















That's real attractive guys. I see you still have some of that Louisiana blood left in you, Britney. Once a redneck, always a redneck.

On to the next picture, brace yourself.











WHY?!?!? This picture disturbs me a lot. It looks like the force of Justin's finger is making Lance's eyes to pop!

This one is really disgusting. So if you can't take it LEAVE NOW. If you're an AJ fan spare yourself the heartache and leave! *Cringe* *Cringe*












Wow, his finger is up there pretty far! Maybe he thought, "No one's gonna see this picture. I'll just put my middle finger up my nose like this."

More to come...if people are as stupid as they are.

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