We Don't Want No Pigeons

Ok, here's a little section we made to acknowledge all the famous bitches of the music industry and acting industry. They are pigeons and they know it! We might hate them out of jealousy or maybe just pure hatred, but that doesn't matter...they suck!

Unless you're stupid, you will realize that these pictures aren't real, but then again we should never underestimate teenyboppers.

Pigeon # 1


I cringe everytime I hear that damned C'est la Vie! Their horrible voices don't blend well together and they look like a bunch of alien androids. The ugliest ones are the twins who take after their greaseball brother in Boyzone. Keavy and Edele seriously look like witches with their crooked noses and probably numerous hidden warts. I hope they go back to Dublin , or wherever they're from, and kick their own asses for being so damn ugly!

Pigeon # 2

Jennifer Lopez

The only thing I can't stand about her is her singing. Plain and simple, her singing sucks. Her voice sounds so stained and forced that I'm surprised her gay song If You Had My Love is number 1. Maybe it's just that catchy ass beat. I don't even hate her because she dresses like a 2 cent hoe cause she's damned near 30 and can dress any way she wants to. I just think that if she wants to share her shitty singing talents with the world, she should do it a hell of a lot quieter!

Pigeon # 3

O Britney Britney

Did you think we'd forget  Shitney? Fat chance! She's the queen of the pigeons and she knows it. Everything about her screams , "Bitch!" From her slutty clothes to her nasaly voice, I don't see why teenyboppers flock to her like she's a Bop Magazine. Sadly, I almost thought she was ok after I saw her on the Fanatic recently....almost. Then I remembered all the crap she said about the BSB and how she claims to be "good friends" with *Nsync and I realized that I'll probably always hate her...then I felt better.

Pigeon # 4

Danielle Fishel

The girl is dumb just as sure as Chris is ugly. We couldn't care less if she's dating Lance cause to us, Lance is only the albino that never sings.  Her shallow life consists of drinking coffee and shopping for make-up with Lance. The sad thing is that she probably weighs twice as much as he does. She acts and talks like a 4 year old that forgot to take its Ritalin pills. She's just too sugarcoated and happy for her own good. She also can't act to save her life! All she ever does on Boy Meets World is cry for Corey. This girl is long overdue for a proper ass beating. Not because she's dating Lance, but because she's too fucking stupid. She's as dumb as rocks.

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