Top 5 Reasons

Why The BSB Are Better Than *Nsync

Made by Skater4404

     5. Joey's too busy picking up prostitutes to learn how to sing.

     4. Justin's jheri curl appointments take up too much time.

     3. If Lance was any more girlish, he'd be George Michael.

     2. Chris, Chris, Chris. Do I have to go into detail about what's wrong with him?

And the number 1 reason why the BSB are better than *Nsync is....

 At least BSB's publicists don't have to worry about the oldest member breaking a hip onstage and/or having a dread fly out and poke someone in the eye. That could be a big lawsuit.

Why Chris Has His Hideous Braids

       5. They insulate his head in the winter.

       4. They cover the fact that he's been balding since age 14.

       3. They're his last hope of holding on to his youth.

       2. He plans on being a Bob Marley impersonator after Nsync goes broke and lose all their fans.

       And the number one reason Chris has his hideous braids is......

He hopes to blend in with the black crowd while stalking Busta Rhymes.

Why Justin Talks In Ebonics

        5. He used to live in the Dirty South.

        4. He got an overdose of BET at a young age.

        3. It's his only chance to get a date with Aaliyah.

        2. His imaginary friend DJ Ruff Ryder forces him talk that way.

And the number one reason why Justin talks in ebonics is......

He had a mental relapse after Lou Pearlman sexually abused him over and over.

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