Total Request Live-The Conspiracy

The Truth Is Out There

Caution: What you are about to read is 100% false! It's totally made up! So don't  believe a word of it unless you really, really want to.

On Thursday May 28 ,1999 , Nsync's video IDMC was number 1 on TRL. You might ask yourself, "WHY?, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WHY?", but there's a perfectly logical reason for this. Nsync saw they were losing their popularity to the BSB and they decided to take action.We got some undercover audio and video of Nsync plotting their return to number 1 on TRL. Here's the transcript...

Justin: Yo, peep 'dis homies. Ever since dem Backstreet Boyz came out wit a new video, we'ez been numba 2.

Lance: I, like, totally agree. I have to impress Topanga so we have to do something.

Chris: And quick! Soon all our teenyboppers will flock to the Backstreet Bastards. This is bad...really bad.

JC: Hey!I've got a plan! To the homeless shelter my brothas...

We fast fowarded here because all we hear is Joey eating twinkies and Justin trying to rap.

At the shelter...

JC (to a homeless man): I'll give you $5 if you vote for Nsync on TRL.

Homeless man: Wh-what's T...R...L?

Chris (out of the shadows): Just do it! (as he slaps the man repeatedly)

The homeless man reluctantly dials the number at a payphone

Homeless man: H-hi, uh, I'd like to, uh, vote for the, um, Backstre-

Chris: Shutup bitch! It's Nsync you punk-ass mofo!

Homeless man: I mean Nsync. Yeah that's it....Nsync.

Justin: That's betta.

He pushes the bum to the ground and they all start laughing and walk away.Then they gather into a group huddle and start to chant: "Backstreet's going down.Down, down, down!" over and over until the audio fades.

So you see, crime always pays for guys of  *Nsnyc. :)

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