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Designer Dolls
Snow Globe Page

All doll snowglobe graphics and bases are original. I have scanned the dolls from Doll Reader and Dolls magazines. All aritist are listed to give credit to them for their work. Most of the graphics have a zip file so you can download them. Please do not modify or change any of my graphics in any way. There are several that I do not want downloaded. Images have been enhanced with Paint Shop Pro 6.1, Paint Shop Pro 7.0 Animation Shop all, by Jasc Software. Please visit them at Jasc Software

The graphics have been enhanced using Super BladePro and Primus. Please visit them at

You are welcome to download any of these snowglobes and use them on your own pages. If you do please feel free to link back to this page using my banner right below. Thank you and enjoy!

Download here.

Thank you!

Winner of the Golden Snowglobe Award
Presented by Fantasy Inspriations, February 2001.

Gibson Girl Bride Doll,
Franklin Heirloom Dolls
Download here.


Part of Monika's Midnight Dreams collection.
Download here

Princess Grace, Franklin Heirloom Dolls.
Download here

Mint Julep by Maryse Nicole
Download here

Amethyst, by Kingstate Corp.
Download here

Rapunzel, designed by Susan Wakeen.
Download here

Claire by Linda Mason
Download here

Savannah by Connie Johnston
Download here

Lillibeth by Hilegard Gunzel
Download here

Sarah by Nancy Spain
Download here

My Dolly & Me by Christina Joniak
Download here

Download here

Baby Lilly by Barbara Prusseit
Download here


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