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Home to GranmaCoco's Designer Snow Globes
and Animated Graphics

Hosted by Frank and Jean
Boompa and Coco

Please be patient because most pages are graphic intense
and may take a while to load.

Website best viewed in Internet Explorer 4.0 and above.

Most graphics and all backgrounds were made using PaintShopPro 6.1, 7.1,
Animation Shop,PrintMaster Platinum, ClickArt Infinity
and SuperBlade Pro.
I will be glad to make any background sets for you, just email me;
but please do not take any from my websites.

Many thanks to Janet, of Fantasy Inspirations,
for her many PaintShopPro tutorials and tutorial contacts.
Please visit her at

I am proud to display this award I received from Karen.

Please visit her beautiful site at
Kiwi Graphics

I am proud to display this award I received from Mary.

Please visit her beautiful site at

Mary's Graphics

Thanks to Jacinda for the scalloped edge mask and tutorial I used on some of my backgrounds. Please visit her at
Jacindas Web Designs

I am a member of the Paint Shop Pro User Group

Thank you in advance for signing our guestbook!

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

Please use the pink granite links below to navigate through our site.

This website was created and is maintained
by Granmacoco, Copyright© 2000, 2001, 2003
All Rights Reserved.