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Chippewa Valley ROCKFEST Fan Club @ Yahoo--JOIN TODAY!

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  ~~ Club-Yahoo ~~    
..."a melting-pot of personality"!
founded by: 'Charli' Vinopal of Chippewa Valley Music Festival's, INC.

Thanks Charli.....for having the vision !

Photo above courtesty: Jim Zons & 'Charli' Vinopal

Ladies & Gentleman....The reigning CHAMP !!
Freddy ~"PEEPMASTER"~ Kitts

Photo's by: Angel & Madman





NOW......before you surf to the next page...
you wanna see a MOVIE???

The presentation was put together by the good folks at Chippewa Valley On-Line (CVOL). The same people that provided you 'rockers' with on-line services during Rockfest 2000. I'm sure most will agree, their services were greatly appreciated!

TO VIEW THE FILM CLIP...(((CLICK)))) the 'Film Reel" below and allow the file to load in your browser(may take several minutes). Most likely, your computer has a default Media Player (RealPlayer/Windows Media Player). Just use the PLAY button on your Player to view. You can also check out the CVOL Website by clicking the CVOL Logo below! Thanks again RockFest 'gods', and CVOL! ~~~ENJOY~~

Movie filmed by: Jim Zons - Chippewa Valley Music Festivals, Inc.

~~CLICK~~ the Real Icon for more info!


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This Page designed by : Madman ©2000