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FAQ: TRL by Sarah


Okay, so most of these have been asked frequently. Others have just plain been asked. Either way, I'm sure you're dying to know, right?

[Updated 1.5.2001]

Why wasn't Korn's "Freak on a Leash" played?
Ever since I posted my first big problem with TRL-THE travesty, I got explanations about why this video wasn't played. So, here it is, what people have told me. I personally think it makes total sense, but it still sucked. The first day TRL stopped playing "Freak on a Leash" in its entirety was the day of the shootings at Columbine. Because the video featured a bullet and its travels, they stopped showing those parts out of respect for the severity of the incident and those involved.

What's TRL's address?
Check out TRL News. And write and tell me if you got any response!

Do you know how I can get into the studio?
There's a phone line you have to call to get in: (212) 398-8549. I know you have to be 18 - 24 years old. And I'm sure it doesn't hurt if you are willing to scream and applaud when they tell you to. Carson from time to time invites "strange" looking people into the studio, so if you have a knack for piquing curiosity, you could go that route too.

What's your favorite video on TRL?
According to my Wishful Thinking Countdown, my favorite recent video that I personally want to see at #1 is "Man Overboard" by Blink-182. My favorite videos EVER include: "All the Small Things" (Blink-182), "Everybody Hurts" (R.E.M.), "Take On Me" (A-Ha), "I Want It That Way" (Backstreet Boys), "Cryin'" (Aerosmith), "Freak on a Leash" (Korn), "Crash Into Me" (Dave Matthews Band), "Like A Prayer" (Madonna), "Every Breath You Take" (The Police), and "Smells Like Teen Spirit" (Nirvana). Is that 10 videos? It is! What a perfect countdown.

Where do you get off judging artists and musicians like this?
Um, next question please... No, seriously, artists put out their product to the people, and the people in turn have the right to critique it. (Wow, that sounds all professional, huh?) Everybody has their opinions and I created this site partially to express mine. Plus, you are judging me and my "product" by sending an email saying you don't like it. And, to top it all off, it makes me and my friends laugh and I'm having fun.

What do you think is the worst video that's ever been on TRL?
Some people would expect me to say something by 'N Sync, but even though "God Must Have Spent" ranks right up there, I can at least stand that video. However, two videos I REALLY don't like and just had to wonder why people were voting for them were the infamous "Mambo #5" by Lou Bega and "American Bad Ass" by Kid Rock. [[shudder]]

What's the difference between the ideal and wishful thinking countdowns?
Okay, I started the ideal countdown first. For this one, you actually take the REAL results of every Friday's countdown and rearrange them to what YOU want to see at #1, etc. Except all of the videos stay the same. The wishful thinking countdown kinda grew out of that, and it's comprised of any videos. Any videos at all. Put them in a top 10 and express what your favorite videos ever/recently/whenever are.

Do online votes only count between 11:30 A.M. and 3:00 P.M.? Are phone votes worth more?
Hard question. I've HEARD that online votes only count between those times from other sites and stuff. However, because the TRL people don't advertise that fact, I'm starting to doubt that it's true. Plus, there are a lot of online campaigns to get videos on TRL that tell you to vote and vote at ANY time. So, it's probably not true.

And phone votes DO count for more than online votes, because it's so easy for people to vote multiple times. That piece of info came from Rolling Stone Magazine.

After an artist appears on TRL, their video goes higher on the countdown. I am thinking that MTV is doing this as a 'thank you' to the guest host/visitor. Do you think that is true?
Actually, I’m inclined to be positive and not cynical about this whole thing, and think that TRL isn’t rigged when it comes to the videos going higher after appearances. I just think that more people are exposed to the artist, and either remember that they’re there or take a liking to them for the first time. And so people vote. Plus a lot of artists beg their fans to go out and vote (Korn, BBMak are a few examples of that one).

How many votes does a video have to get to be in the top ten?
This has been asked of me SO many times and I honestly have NO idea. On TRL Uncensored, the producer said that they get an average of 500-1000 calls per day, but that they weren’t all requests. And on that same show (what a wonderful source of info! Yeah!), when the run-through was shown, you can see a glimpse of the listing of online votes different videos got. And, if you look closely (I tried, correct me if I’m wrong, please), it looked like the videos with the most votes got somewhere in the one hundreds. So, I’m thinking that the top video must get a couple three hundred votes per day. And two million people watch. Hmmm.

Where’d you get (insert whatever piece of information)?
Most of it, especially recent stuff, I’ve found myself. I get lots of information sent to me, but I won’t post it unless I’ve checked it out myself. So all those 64/66 day travesties… I’ve counted each and every one of them, no matter who’s sent them to me. I’m pretty sure they’re right.

I sent you (insert whatever here). Why didn’t you post it?
This question is most often about ideal countdowns. There’s only one reason why I wouldn’t post an ideal countdown: you might have the wrong videos. Ideal countdowns are only rearranging every FRIDAY. And if you send me one after the Ultimate for that week has been compiled, it won’t be posted either. No, I never NOT post if I disagree with whatever someone might have to say. And I think I’ve only ever censored the commentary once… and only because it was really bad.

If you send me info or statistics, it might not go up right away, because I want to check it over myself. That’s it. Generally, though, I’ll post most anything, and I love it when you send me stuff!

Gotta question? Anything? Email me and ask!

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