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Hi!. And thanks for dropping by. The graphics here are created by me for your enjoyment and use on your personal homepages. All were made with various tools that I have found around the net. Nothing here was made with software that I purchased. Most of these can be found in the TOOLS section. Look around, see what you think and have a good time.
Stuck in some fool's frames??..That sucks.. BUST LOOSE!

All New Hotbar Skins

DC Marvel Image Theyre All Here
Comic Book Sets!!

Over 80 wild backgrounds are on these pages for you to choose from. These are the first graphics I created. And they are really outrageous.

The crazy sets on these pages come with matching buttons, and bullets and bars and such.

All sorts of really cool and most importantly free online tools are gathered here for your perusal. So if you're interested in making stuff of your own this is the place you should start.

Sir Danimals Weirdness!
This takes you to my own personal homepage where there are all sorts of cool things that you might like, plus things about me. Like pictures of our new baby (HINT HINT).

World Of Weird
This portal will lead you into my World Of Weird. Where I have gathered together a host of the most bizarre things I have encountered on my travels across the length and breadth of the net.

Send Me Some Mail!
If you are interested in making arrangements to use my images on your commercial page, or if you need special graphics created please feel free to send me some mail.

Scribble In The Weirdbook Read The Weirdbook
Like my page? Don't like my page? Just want to tell me what a jerk you think I am? Well here's your chance. Just sign the weirdbook.

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