-chapter ten-

chapter ten

"Kim, come back here right now." Jordan yelled from his front door, exiting it and walking after me.

"Jordan, I have nothing to say to you." I replied, and kept walking back to my house.

"But I have something to say." he pleaded.

"Well, you know what, if it's about me and Zac, I don't want to hear about it." I griped, crossing my arms, still walking.

Jordan caught up with me and grabbed my arm and yanked me to turn around and face him. When I whipped around, he grabbed my other arm and held both of them. "I need to clear something up with you." he whispered.

"Is it that important that you cannot wait until later?" I whined, shooting an impatient look.

"Trust me, it's incredibly important, especially to me." he trusted.

"Well, I don't know if I want to listen." I replied snootily.

"Oh, God!" he yelled, gritting his teeth. "You're so hard to cope with sometimes!"

"Aren't I?" I smiled fakely.

He sighed. "Kim, please, I want to know just one thing that's been contemplating me since I knew about your relationship with Zac. It's really important that I find out." he almost begged.

"Is it a personal question?" I asked.

"That depends on how you take it." He raised his eyebrows in hope.

I figured he had enough of my nonsense.

"Okay, let's go sit down and talk this out." I replied, getting out of his grip and walked over to his porch swing.

"Kim, this is extremely important that I know." he confided, sitting down next to me, rocking the swing a bit.

"Jordan, enough! Quit stalling and spill it!" I infuriated.

"Are you and Zac planning on....well, planning on having sex?" he asked immediately after my outburst.

"Why, you want to warn me if he has an STD or something?" My Katie Holmes attitude was coming out.

"He's a virgin; I doubt it that he would have an STD." he said like it was obvious.

"How do you know he's a virgin?" I asked, squinting my eyes. Jordan glared at me immediately with wide eyes. "Let me rephrase that." I switched, widening my yes and pointing my finger upwards.

"I think I already have the answer to my question now." he said, and started to get up.

"No, Jordan, sit back down," I said and yanked him back down. "God, if you must know, I'm still a virgin. But how do you know that Zac isn't one?" I asked, shaking my head.

"I wouldv'e seen it coming. Besides, he tells me everthing." Taylor stated.

"Try me. Has he told you how far we've gone together?" I tried him.

"Kissing with tongues."

I gave Jordan a thoughful look. "Jordan, don't be a baby, just say French kissing."

"Okay, french kissing." he said bluntly.

"Oh, okay." I stared at him while I thought. Yeah Jordan, Zac tells you everything.

"Anyways, back to my question. Are you guys going to have sex or planning on doing it?" he rephrased.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked, questioning his curiousity.

"Everytime it's mentioned around him, he jumps at the word and them he acts as if it's a taboo." he said.

"Jordan, this is none of your business and you don't need to know about it." I stated, getting up, my arms crossed over my chest.

"Why not?" he buffed.

"Because this is between me and Zac, and you don't have the right to know unless one of us wants or feels comfortable to tell you." I finished, and left him sitting on the swing.

I sat on my couch staring at the phone on the coffee table. I had called Zac earlier, but Jessica had informed me that he had gone out and that he'd be back soon.

"Zac, hurry up and get home." I said to myself, twiddling my thumbs and shaking my hands, fidgeting. It had been nearly a half hour since I called, and time was ticking by so slow that I was getting very jittery inside.

The conversation that I had with Jordan the previous week made me think. Zac and I were getting heavy in our relationship, and at times we came close to having sex. But back then, I wasn't sure if I was ready, and if I had been, I wasn't prepared.

This is what really got me. I was confused. I was confused about everything. I didn't want an "on the go" first time. I wanted a "sweet and spicy" kind of first experience. But I never got around to asking Zac if he was ready. Knowing how much I knew him, I pretty much figured out an answer for myself.

I heard the front door open and then slam, a pair of feet shuffling in quickly. "Kim? Kim, are you here?" I heard a voice call out.

"In the family room." I called back. It was Zac. I got up off the couch and greeted him.

"Hey," he said, and walked over and sat down on the sofa with me, kissing me. "Are you okay? Jessica said you called, and she said you sounded worried."

"No, just lonely." I assured. "Zac, I need to ask you a burning question." My tone was serious. I stared hard into his eyes, and he stared back.

In a trance, he replied, "I need to ask you a question also." He turned his body towards me.

My breathing started to get denser and my eyelashes batted more and faster. Zac's hand reached up to my cheek. I turned my lips into his palm and lightly kissed it.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" he whispered hoarsely, staring deep into my eyes, trying to find my answer.

I pressed my lips against his. "I'm ready, I need to know if you are." I replied, climbing onto him.

"Right here?" he asked, unsure.

"Right now." I assured sexily, spreading his legs open so I could climb between him.

Sitting back on my legs, I pulled off my shirt. Shifting his body against me for the fornication, I kissed him like there was no tomorrow.

"Zac, if I say stop, will you stop?" I asked when I pulled away, worried.

"What do you think?" he asked back, assured.

"What if it hurts, and I say stop? What if you're almost there and I want you to stop?" I pressed on.

"Why in God's power would I disrespect you? Dammit Kim, I'm not sure what sudden feeling has come over me to present this act with you. I always told myself, that once I'm with a special girl, and we create a special moment, I would go out of my way to please her and stop when she asked. God directed me to do that." Tears almost came out of his eyes.

There was silence. Only the staring into each other's eyes occurred. I wiped the tears away from his eyes, and brought my mouth close to his so we were barely touching. His eyes got heavier as his breathing increased.

"Make love to me, Zac." I whispered, licking his upper lip.

"I-" he started. I put my finger to his mouth.

"Don't speak. I know what you're going to say. Now, do I need to trust you; or do you need to trust me?" I asked seductively, rubbing his neck with my hands.

"Well," he said, swallowing. "You won't have to anticipate that for long now." Immediately he manuevered us both so that he was on me.

Soon, my jeans were on the ground, and I started to work my hands down to his pants. Never did I take my lips off of him, or my eyes.

I reached my hands down for the fly of his cords, and felt him erect, enjoying the sensation of the feeling that it brought to me. Faster was it I became and undressing him. He shook off his pants and placed himself so that he was in the position to fornicate.

He became harder and harder everytime I shifted against him for comfort, and as good as it was, I couldn't compare it to anything else that I had ever experienced with him, or in my life.

Making love on that leather sofa was unexpectedly wonderful, and it went by fast. At first, we were just laying there, anticipating how much longer it would be before it happened. Then I felt him graze me, and I knew he was scared. He finally took the plunge and snug right into me, safe and secure. He pushed in a bit more and a bit faster. Zac kept penetrated me deeper and deeper, and it brought our climax to a whole new level; a seperate world.

"Uhhh." he groaned, lifting my hips up and sucked in his breath for one last pleasure. It was over. We closed our eyes, and he slowly lay his head down on my breastbone. My fingers ran half way through his damp mass of matted hair.

"Zac..." I whispered, and kissed his forehead. Out of my eyes came tears.

Zac looked up when he heard me whimper. "Are you okay?" he asked, kissing my tears away, mistaking them for signs of pain.

"I'm absolutely...feeling much more...different, that's all." I replied, and put on a weak smile.

It was awfully hot in the room, and the leather was cold. Zac blew his breath lightly onto my sweaty face.

Zac got up and pulled on just his jeans. I just stayed in my cringed position, lying down on the couch.

"Hey, are you sure you're okay?" he asked when he noticed me slightly wincing. "What's wrong?"

"Zac, tell me you used protection." I gasped, shutting my eyes tight.

"Yeah, I did. Are you hurting? Did I hurt you?"

I was relieved. "No, it just hurt a little." I whispered. My teeth started to chatter, and I got cold.

"Here, let me get you a blanket." He went upstairs to get a blanket from the linen closet, and then came back down and covered me with my navy afghan.

He got under the blanket with me on the couch. Immdiately, I felt more safe, secure, and satisfied as he wrapped his arms around my stomach and kissed my neck, lightly breathing on it. I closed my eyes, and didn't let another worry enter my head.

-chapter nine-

-chapter eleven-


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