-chapter three-

chapter three

"What?! Excuse me?! Why would you believe that slut? I never cheated on you, Jeff. What made you think that?" I asked furiously.

"I heard from Naomi that you slept with Taylor while I went with my ex-girlfriend to a party." he replied.

"I told you you could go with your ex-girlfriend to that party because I knew I could trust you. But why in the world would I have sex with someone in this day and age? I'm too young, for my opinion. And Taylor? He's my best friend, I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship, much less sleep with him, or anyone, for that matter. I mean, think about it Jeff, you know my restrictions. One, I'm too young, two, I'm not ready to..."

"...Commit myself to anyone yet, yeah, I know, I know. Look, I'm sorry, I know you better than that, I guess I was jumping to conclusions; I was worried, that's all." he said, in a gentler tone.

"Jeff, you've never been this kind of jealous before. Is something bothering you?" I asked.

He sat down on my bed in front of me, and held my waist, looking into my eyes. "No, no, I just need to be with you now."

I put my arms around his neck, and he fell backwards, bringing me with him. Manuevering us, he leaned in between my legs and kissed me. New kisses, ones I'd never received from him ever, were fed to me. I kept my kisses dry, some exceptions letting his tongue mingle with mine.

His hands worked everywhere, then they finally stayed put at my waist. I began to feel him gently lifting my shirt up.

"No, Jeff, I want to stop." I said, pushing him off and tugging my shirt back.

"Why is it, that everytime I want to go a step further, you stop."

"What were we just talking about, Jeff? That stuff leads to sex. And remember? We've only been together for...wow, 7 months." I said, not realizing it'd been that long.

"Do you know why we've been together that long?" he asked me.

"Tell me."

"Because we care about each other, otherwise our relationship would've been in the hole."

I held onto him tight in a warm embrace. I brought my mouth to his ear and breathed, "You're too sweet." and I kissed his ear. His mouth went straight to my neck and kissed it aggressively. As he did this, I thought, Well, if he respects my not wanting to sleep with him quite yet, he's definetly one sweet guy. His mouth went from my neck to my collarbone, then back to my mouth, as we forcefully kissed each other. I wouldn't let him go far, and I wouldn't let go.

"A party?...Really?...Who's going to be there?...Wow, okay, do you think he'll be able to come? He might be in Asia...Okay, I'll ask him. Yeah, I was on my way over there anyway. I'll call you back. Bye." I hung up and walked over to my calendar and circled the nineteenth of July for a party at Tiffany's. She's really popular, but she's nice, and she's having a lot of people at this get-together type of thing.

"Taylor, when are you leaving for Asia?" I asked when he shut the door to his bedroom, leaving us alone in privacy.

"We're leaving the twenty-fifth, why? You want to get rid of me?" he asked, jokingly.

"No, but did Tiffany Stephens invite you to her party yet?"


"Well, you're invited. She wanted to ask you, but she felt more comfortable if I asked you because she didn't know you're phone-number, or when you were leaving." I explained.

"I'll come. Are you going?"

"Of course, Jeff's coming with me." I said. Oops, I mentioned Jeff. Lately, when I was hanging out with Taylor, and I mentioned Jeff, he always...well, he just...I don't know, I guess he didn't appreciate it. We sat there in silence, I looked down at the floor as did he.

"You up for a basketball game?" he asked, changing the subject.

"Always." I replied. He helped me up, took my hand, and we ran out to the side yard where the court was to play.

"Augh! Taylor! What was that for?" I asked as I crashed to the ground.

"Sorry, I was just blocking your shot. Here, let me help you up." he took my hand as I stuck it out to him.

"More like a foul." I said, brushing my hands against my jeans.

"Okay, fine, here, you take-out so I don't have a penalty." he tossed the ball to me.

"I would be taking-out anyway, so your going to get a penalty." I said, and took the ball from him.

"Check." I said, then dribbled down the driveway.

Taylor blocked me, and there was no way out of his gaurding. I veered to the left, he was there. I moved to the right, and there he was. Again, I was cornered.

"Taylor! Oh, come on, Taylor, I can't get past you." I whined.

"That's just too bad, now, isn't it?" he asked, smiling.

He slyly pushed the ball out of my grasp. Before I knew it, his arms were around my waist. There I was, standing there with his arms around me, looking into his eyes. My brain told my arms to creep up his body, and around his neck. Our faces drew in closer and closer as all silence fell except for a slight whistle in the wind. Then, our mouths joined in a locked kiss. We began kissing, again and again. As I got caught up in his mystic way of affection, running his hands down my back and sliding them into my jeans backpockets, Jeff was forgotten.

"Oh, shit, Taylor, no." I said, getting out of his grasp.

"I'm sorry." he said, stepping away from me and turning a light shade of pink.

"Why did you do that?" I questioned him, shocked.

He was quiet, and speechless. Speaking up, "I'm sorry, I know you're with Jeff, and that what I did was stupid of me, but it was a desire, and I wanted to fulfill it. I really am sorry." he explained, now rosiness was painted over his face; I knew it was embarrassment, and not the scorching heat.

"Don't be." I muttered. Oops, there I go again, I just can't keep my mouth shut.

"Excuse me?" he asked.

"What?" I replied quickly, trying to cover up for what I said.

"Nevermind. You want to go inside?"

"Can I play Zac's drums?"

"Yeah, come on." he said.

I stopped short. Oh, how badly I wanted to blurt out my feelings for him right then and there. But what about Jeff? "Tay?" I asked. "


I paused. Nah, maybe later. I walked over to him. I pulled out my handkerchief and dried the sides of his face where it was all sweaty. I tucked a few stray hairs behind his ears. "Now we can go...Tayles." I called him the nickname he hated, smiling, as we walked in the direction of their garage.

"Jeff, do you want to go see a movie?" I asked over the phone. "Again?...Look, I'm sorry, I'll just see you later...What?...What?...I thought you and I were going together to Tiffany's!...Okay, fine, I'll see you Saturday. Bye." I finished, and hung up the phone.

That is the sixth time that Jeff had hung out with his friends on our time. I was beginning to think there was another girl. No, he wouldn't, not after seven months.

-chapter two-

-chapter four-


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