-chapter seven-

chapter seven

There Taylor and I sat in the movie theater with the whole room packed to the bone. Everyone was really getting into the most suspenseful part of the show, as it could be told whenever a blood-pumping moment played across the screen, all eyes were wide open, waiting for the climatic part to take place. As there were more gun shots and knife-stabbing moments, gasps of fear were let out everywhere.


Yeah, the whole place was packed, but at this movie? I was very surprised to see any of them once the movie started rolling. You couldn't digest that movies' cheesiness with a box of Lactaid. I'm not sure why I even decided to see this movie, as it didn't appeal to me from the get-go. I was there with Taylor, of course, and he wanted to see this. Now, if I knew Taylor right, it was just an excuse to make-out in a dark place where he thought we could be "alone." I wanted to see a different one, one that he wanted to see too, but he wanted his way, so I let him have it at that. But seeing the outcome of having the whole theater packed into this cramshell, it wasn't going to happen.

"Taylor, why did you want to see this?" I asked, ready to fall asleep, leaning my head on my balled up hand whose elbow rested on the arm chair.

"It looked good, and I wanted to see it with you." he replied, smiling and holding my free hand.

I could hear the lying in his voice, as well as see it in his head. I raised an eyebrow and gave him a "yeah, okay" look.

I tried to concentrate on the plot line of the show, but every time I tried, I would feel Taylor's cool breath blowing lightly into my ear. I closed my eyes and very softly moaned pleasurably.

Taylor took this as a good sign and brought his hand around my neck, gently kneading it. I turned to face him and placed my left hand on his right knee, savoring his affection.

Taylor then took his hand that was rubbing my neck and guided it down the side of my body, placing it on my waist and began pulling me closer to him. His fresh kisses were so insinuating. He took his hand and put it on my hand that was on his knee and brought them closer to his thigh, and kissed me that sent out a sign asking, "Will you do as I please?"

I stroked his thighs, the insides and the outsides, and I brought my free hand to his shirt and clutched it as he put his hand up my shirt and stroked my back, his hand running over the back of my bra, tugging at it especially.

I opened his mouth more and let my tongue enter, where he challenged a game of, per say, tonsil hockey.

As I was gaining ground, he lightly moaned, and then a little louder when I stuck my hand down his baggy jeans and began carressing his lower abdomen on the outside of his boxers. I could feel his positive results. It was hot. I'd never imagined it would be like how people said it would.

"Excuse me," a voice said, and then a bright light shown upon us. "I'm going to have to ask you two to leave." It was the movie usher, with a very annoyed looking girl standing next to him.

"Thank you." said the girl, crossing over Taylor and I and sat down in a seat.

"Why do we have to leave?" I asked.

"Because your little kissing game was disturbing those around you, and this movie theater doesn't tolerate that." he answered.

"Yeah." said that girl, looking over at us.

"Hey, you weren't brought into this conversation, were you?" I asked rudely.

"Kim, dont' start-" Taylor began to say.

"Taylor, leave it." I interrupted.

"No, but I'm bringing myself into it." she continued, leaning over in her chair and bringing her face close to mine.

"Just stay out of it, huh?" I hissed.

"Don't talk to her like that." a guy said that was next to her.

"Hey you weren't brought into this either!" Taylor back-fired.

"Hey! You four, leave; now." growled the usher.

"C'mon Kim." Taylor said, tugging at my arm.

"Gladly. Who wants to stay here with this kind of service who don't mind their own business. This is a crappy theater with a crappy audience." I said, emphasizing the word audience, meaning it by that other couple.

"God, the nerve of those people." Taylor commented when we exited the theater into the heat of July.

"Yeah, he and that girl had no business interrupting our...well, game, as that usher said." I commented.

"Yeah, really. I mean, all that I remember is this bright light shining on us, and this rude girl says, "Yeah, finally, thank you," or something." he added.

"Oh well, it's over, c'mon." I said, and took his hand as we walked outside towards home.

We came to Willow Tree park, and to our astonishment, it was empty. Well, after all, it was eight o'clock at night, no surprises.

We walked into the park, dawdling around. I stared at the swings for awhile.

I looked at Taylor and smiled, holding his hand and leading him over to the swings.

"Kim, this is too childish." he commented once we stepped on the gravel with the swing sets that stood on it.

"Taylor, don't be a baby. Swings are a pastime of everybody. C'mon, please?" I asked him to push me.

"No, it makes me feel weird." he replied, crossing his arms.

I walked over to him and took his hands. "Taylor, puh-lease? I'll give something fun to do later..." I said convincingly, giving him my seducing smile.

"Okay, you got me." he said, and we kissed.

We stayed on the swings until dusk, holding hands the whole time, staring deeply into one another's eyes, like the way we always were.

"Kim?" Tay whispered.

"What?" I asked.

"It's nine thirty. Curfew." he said.

"No it isn't. Curfew's at ten."

"Aw man, mine's at this time."

"Well, I still love you anyway."

"Really?" he asked. We were becoming sappy like in the movie we had seen earlier.

"Of course." I got up and went over to him and we kissed. He brought me down to the grass as he slid off of his swing seat. We kissed some more as the sun sunk and the stars came out.

"C'mon Tay. We better get going."

"But you said-" I put my finger on his mouth and closed his lips shut.

"Not now." I kissed his lips gently and we walked home.

"Summer lovin', had me a blast."

"Summer lovin', happened so fast."

"I met a girl, crazy for me."

"I met a boy, cute as can be." I sang to, "Summer Nights" from "Grease" on this new radio station that I happened to be listening to. It kind of reminded me of the relationship Taylor and I had. As I sang and paused, I looked at the pictures over on my nightstand. There were so many! I found a picture that my dad took the day I was born, and it had me and Taylor next to each other in bassinets at the nursery in the hospital. There was a picture of Isaac, Zac, Tay and I in my swimming pool. There was one of me and Mackenzie when he was just a newborn. I was holding him. There was one of Avery and Jessica when I had first begun to use make-up and they were my guinea pigs. They looked so silly. There was one with both Taylor's and my family having a barbeque from the last two summers. We were messy with the sauce because we got into a fight with ketchup, mustard, barbeque sauce, relish, everything! There were tons more, but one seemed to stand out the most.

It was of Taylor and I. We were standing up, and he was standing behind me, with his arms wrapped around my waist and his chin rested on my shoulder. I was clasping his arms like a belt and had a mile-wide smile. He just smiled, but you could see the love in his expression. The picture was taken shortly after we started going out. He was in my favorite outfit of his, the one from Arthur Ashe. Just that red shirt and those black jeans were enough to drive me wild. I was in his favorite outfit of mine, my blue camouflague shirt and short white jean shorts. The picture was in a frame I made from art class. It had silvery confetti mashed into gel-like balls that were plastered in a plaster-of-paris formula, molded into a heart shape. Then the phone rang, half-breaking my thoughts.

"Hi Taylor." I said into the mouthpiece when I picked up.

"How did you know it was me?" he asked on the other line.

"You always call at four twenty during the day. I wonder why." I half asked with a hint of sarcasm.

"That's right." he chuckled.

"So what's going on?"

"Summer's almost over. School will be starting. What's going to happen?"

"Huh?" I asked nonchalantly, walking around my bedroom.

"C'mon, you know. You're going to be busy again. And I'm already busy. Do you think things will work out okay between us?" he analyzed.

"Taylor, do you love me?" I started to explain.

"Well yeah, always and forever." he replied.

"Hmmm, you've been hit by Cupid's arrow to hard."

"What does that mean?"

"You're being to weird and love-sick for your own matter."

"I can't help it if I love my girlfriend."

I sighed, and didn't talk. "Kim, are you still there?" he asked after a slight pause.

"Taylor, I'm not your girlfriend. I'm just dating you."

"Nuh uh. When two people date, they're boyfriend and girlfriend." he hypothesized.

"No, hon, when the relationship gets more serious, the two people become boyfriend and girlfriend." I said while hanging up my clothes.

"Well, then why won't you be my girlfriend?"

"People will hear about it. You know you're fans, Tay, they'll go bizarre! I don't want to risk being your girlfriend than going against how popular you and your brother's band is."

"Kim, the fans will have to take a step into reality and that I won't be thier boyfriend. They'll just have to wait for Taylor Hanson." he argued.

"But Taylor, this is how I feel. I mean, what's wrong with what we have now? I'm dating you and I also love you. Nothing will change that."

"Fine." he said flatly.



"I really do love you, and I want you to believe that. No one can stop me from being away from you, let alone think about you. There are a million girls waiting in line to date you, and now that I'm dating you, I'm your top choice. You watched me go through a lot of things and you waited. What I do takes courage and consequences, and waht you did took dedication."

He sighed, and I could almost see the defeated smile grow on his face. "I love you too."

-chapter six-

-chapter eight-


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