-chapter one-

chapter one

"This is the noise that keeps me awake, my head explodes and my body aches! Push it-"

"Molly! Shut up! You're singing to the whole airplane." Taylor hissed.

I looked around the airplane to find some people staring and snickering at me, pointing at me.

I let out an embarrassed laugh at them and ducked back behind me seat to conceal myself and my red face.

"Crap." I muttered, rubbing my forehead.

Recovering, I pulled out brochures and magazines about our trip.

"C'mon Tay, look these over with me." I said, knocking his earphones from his head.

From our Detroit to Atlanta flight, Taylor and I learned a lot from our vacation.

We would fly from Atlanta to Orlando and drive to Port Canaveral in rental vans, where our cruise ship, the Ocean Maiden, would be waiting for us. We'd spend eight days on the ship exploring the Bahamas and the Carribbean and then six days in the Magic Kingdom back in Orlando.

Our rooms on the ship were all next to each other. There were five rooms given to us. My mom and Diana put me in charge of putting who with who in what rooms.

On one end, Isaac, Taylor, and Zac would have a room to themselves. Avery and Mackenzie and myself were going to stay next to them. After the first four days, Mackenzie would move in with Isaac, Taylor, and Zac and then one of them would move in with me and Avery. Next to us, Walker and Diana and Zoe would have a room. Next to them, Celeste and Jessica were sharing. My Mom and Dad would stay next to them. I had to have the younger ones (Avery, Mackenzie, and Jessica) have a connecting door to their parents. I figured the rest of us would be okay.

We were staying on the fifth deck of the twelve decks on the ship, and ours was near the bottom. After looking at one of my five pamphlets, I saw that our deck was the most prosperous one. Besides, having an all-night club, a movie theater, and a cafe, we had the bow of the ship. Not only that, but our rooms had oceanviews and they were the closest to the bow.

The hotel that we were staying at in the Magic Kingdom was called Disney's Carribbean Beach Resort. One pamphlet claimed that it had seven swimming pools and six restaurants, five which were like snack stands. There was shopping and a small arcade too. It looked pleasant, and I couldn't wait.

"Oh wow Taylor, there's so much to do. I mean, look at all of this." I said, flipping through some magazines. "This is going to be awesome."

I leaned back into my uncomfortable seat and sighed, smiling.

Taylor kissed my cheek. "I love it when you smile." he commented.

"Thanks, I needed that." I replied.

My eyes were growing heavy, and I felt the plane jolt suddenly. I immediately awakened and looked around.

"Hey." Taylor said when he saw me jerk-up from my almost-nap, shrugging his shoulers.

"This plane is awfully turbulent." I said.

"Relax, it happens. We're just flying through a storm." he casually replied.

"Does it get worse?" I asked, worried.

"Sometimes. It depends on how violent the storm is." he commented.

"How do you know this?" I asked, looking at him weirdly.

"There was a special on TLC." he said like it was the show everyone watched.

"You...watched TLC?" I choked.

"Go ahead and laugh. This is sexual harrassment, and I don't have to take it." he mocked a commercial, crossing his arms.

"Sexual harrassment? Did you also learn that from TLC?" I snorted.

"You keep that up and you won't get any love from me." he said in the same tone.

"Oh boy, I'd like to see you last for ten minutes." I just about lost it. If it hadn't been for the plane ride, I would be rolling on the floor clutching my stomach.

Just then, the plane dropped nearly one hundred feet. My left hand gripped the armrest as Avery clutched my hand. My other hand grabbed Taylor's as we plunged another seventy-five feet.

"Folks, we're sorry for the turbulence. The worst part is over, and we whould be landing in about twenty-five minutes or so. Thank you." announced the pilot over the intercom.

I exhaled, blowing my hair out of my face.

"Molly, that was scary." Avery said, loosening her grip on my hand.

"I know, and it's over. It won't happen again, I promise." I replied, assuring her.

"Next time," Taylor whispered into my ear, "clutch lower than my hand."

"Perv!" I loudly whispered back, pushing him against the window.

"An hour? We gotta wait an hour?" Celeste whined. "What is up with that?"

"Celeste, stop whining and tell me what you want to drink so that Isaac and Taylor and I can go get them." I said, frustrated and cranky.

"Snapple Lemonade." she replied. "An hour..."

"Celeste, enough!" Zac exclaimed, smacking her upside her head.

"Ow!" she yelped. "Mo-ommmm!"

"Oh shut up you big baby." he said, shaking his head at her.

Celeste gave him her 'You gonna wish you never did that' look. He stood a cautious worry, recognizing her glare, and then she sneakily kissed his cheek again.

"When will I learn to stop teasing you." he said, walking away to meet with Diana and Walker.

"You know who they remind me of," I said to Isaac and Taylor. "Slater and Jessie from 'Saved By The Bell.'"

"I was thinking of that a few days ago. Only Jessie would call Slater a sexist pig instead of kissing his cheek." Isaac replied.

"Really." I said, as we approached the snack bar.

"Are we allowed to take drinks onto the plane?" Taylor asked.

"Duh. Why do you think they serve us on the plane anyway." I answered, walking behind him in the wing that connected to the airplane.

We were situated in our seats. It was a big plane. There were seats of two, then an aisle, four seats, another aisle, and then three more seats. We took up one and a half rows. I sat behind the whole one we took up directly in the middle of the five seats. Zac was on my right and Jessica was on my left. Walker sat next to her.

About midway to Orlando, I eavesdropped on Celeste's and Taylor's conversation.

"Zac." I whispered, nudging his arm.

"Hmm?" he said, not looking up from his kiddie crossword.

"Listen." I said, and pointed with my thumb to the seats in front of us.

"Taylor, you're so cute." Celeste commented in a dreamy tone.

"Uh, thank you." he replied, uncomfortable singing in his voice.

"Will you marry me?" she proposed breathlessly.

"What would Molly think?" he asked, and turned to face her.

"Who cares about her?" she asked horridly. "All I do all day is think about you and me."

"I don't think so. I'm too young for marriage." he declined.

"Well, so am I. But who cares? You can get married when you're thirteen in India. Pocahontas got married when she was twelve." she pointed out.

"Exactly why I won't." Taylor resisted.

"I still think you're really cute." she reiterated.

"That's nice." I could start to hear the annoyance in his voice.

"Will you kiss me?" she asked once more.

"Okay, that's enough." he said, and got up out of his seat, crossing over her.

"Where are you going, my darling?" she asked, but he ignored her.

"Molly, watch this. Play along." Zac whispered.

"Okay." I smiled.

Taylor came to our row. "Jason, will you trade me places?" he whined.

"But Molly and I were discussing our wedding plans. You know, the baby is due next year." Zac said, taking my hand.

"Yeah Tay, I guess I forgot to tell you I had an affair with your brother." I snickered.

"Ha ha, funny. Jessica?" he tried for a second attempt.

Jessica turned around in her seat. "What?" she asked rudely.

"Will you sit next to Celeste?" he asked sweetly, sucking up to her.

"No." she turned down.

"Please?" he begged.

"No." she repeated.

"You baby." he argued like a little kid.

"Wa-wah." she said, sticking her thumb in her mouth.

"Dad?" he asked.

"No Daddy, stay here." Jessica ordered before he got a chance to reply.

"Sorry Tay." he said.

"Zac, come on. Please?" he whined again.

"No. Quit whining, Tay. She's too annoying and so are you." he commented.

"No kidding and shut up." he said, then sighed, letting his head drop.

He lifted his head up with a smile. "Molly, could you come here for a minute?" he asked.

"I'm here." I said, raising my eyebrows.

"I mean the back of the plane." he detailed.

I got up and followed him to the bathrooms. He went into one. What is he doing. He didn't lock the door. I knocked softly. He opened the door. "Tay-" I said, but he put his hand to my mouth and signaled for me to step into the bathroom with him. Then he closed the door.

"Taylor, there's no room for two people in here." I said, as my body was pressed against his.

"You're telling me." he replied, and I felt his excitement within the confines of his pants. With that, I realized that he was horny and needed to perform it for me.

"Mmmm, Taylor." I moaned semi-loudly as his hands sneaked up under my bra.

"Shhh, people will hear you." he whispered, then started kissing me.

"Then take your hands and leave them here." I whispered back, placing them on my hips.

I went back to kissing him. Only his hands didn't stay where I instructed them to. They crept up my front and unhooked the clasp of my bra.

"Okay, my peeping Tom, you keep your hands here," I placed them back onto my hips again and hooked my bra back on, "or no more."

"Peeping Tom?" he asked, confused.

"You know, a horny male cat." I informed.

"Like yours?"

"Excuse me, no, mine is a feline. And she is neutered. And I wouldn't know if she got horny." I emphasized the word "she."

"Ah, who cares anyway." he said, and started kissing me aggresively, darting his tongue in and out of my mouth, not giving me enough taste to satisfy at the least.

I moaned again. This time, someone heard it.

"Are you alright in there?" and English feminine accented voice asked.

I paused. "Y-yes; Go away, I'm fine."

"See, don't moan this time." Taylor whispered, caressing my rear..

"Well, it's kind of hard when you have an hard-on." I replied sexily, my hands treaching down to his crotch.

"Young lady, don't talk like that." he said breathly when I reached my destination.

"Now, I'm a bad girl. Punish me." I said, and grabbed him.

"Oh damn, I'll punish you." he said, and pulled me closer than I could imagine. He undid the button on my shorts and unzipped them, kissing my fully while in the process of undressing me.

"Please, Molly, a quickie? I'm so hot..." he breathed.

"Oh Tay..." I moaned when he buried his mouth in my chest.

"It'll be quick..." he replied, undoing his own pants and letting his penis pop out.

"Oh my God, Tay, not in here." I said in my normal voice.

"Shhh, yeah. We'll never get to do this again. Come on, I'll make it so wild for you..." he said as he grazed me through my panties.

"Oh Tay..." I continued my moaning, caressing his arms.

"Zac, go see if Tay and Molly are back there." my Dad asked.

"Fine." I replied, and walked to the back of the plane.

I didn't see them back there, until I noticed that only one bathroom was occupied.

Without anyone looking, I pressed my ear against the door. I could hear kissing and moaning sounds, which I figured was Molly and Tay "gettin' jiggy wit it."

"Nasty." I whispered, and started to walk back to my seat when Celeste was right behind me.

"What are you doing?" she asked in her normal attitude towards me: rude.

"Shhh." I whispered, and signaled her to lean her ear against the door.

She did as I instruced. "Ew, gross. Is that what they do in their spare time?" she asked, crinkling her nose.

"Shyeah, that and more." I said.

"That should be me in there with Taylor." she said sullenly.

"You're sick." I replied, squinting my eyes and walking back to my seat.

"I'll bet you think of that stuff all the time." she replied in a snoot tone.

"Not as much as you." I back-fired.

"Is that a threat?" she challenged. I didn't say anything. "Ha, can't come up with a comeback, can't you?" she teased, smiling wickedly.

"Better than you would know." I muttered when we walked back to our seats.

"Excuse me?" she asked.

"Nothing." I said, and smiled.

"Tay, we gotta go back. We've been in here for...damn, twenty minutes."

"Okay. I got what I needed done. Well, almost." he replied, trying to pull off a guilt-trip, giving me his best puppy face.

"You're just lucky my lipstick didn't wipe off on you," I commented. "Oh, and uh, don't pull that guilt-trip stuff on me. It's clear as glass, and I see right through it."

"Damn." he commented.

"That's better. Now come on." I said, and we walked back to our seats.


-chapter two-


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