

"Now boarding flight eleven eighty-two to Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Flight eleven eighty-two to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, now boarding."

"Mom, was that our flight?" I asked, nervous and excited. I clutched my suitcase, looking around the airport.

"No dear, our flight is thirteen sixty-four. And we're going to Atlanta first, not Baton Rouge." she said, trying to manage all thirteen suitcases into the check-in counter, along with my dad and Walker and Diana Hanson.

"Hey, I'm so excited! I can't wait until we get on the plane." Celeste exclaimed, walking up to and standing next to me, holding her backpack over her shoulder with her left arm.

"Me too. Why don't you go bug Zac." I suggested, still looking around.

"Why, I don't like him." she answered, a retched expression appearing over her face.

"Why not?" I asked, now directing my eyes towards her.

"If he looked more like your boyfriend, then I would." she commented, smiling, and then turned around to find Taylor, whom she was referring to.

"Well, he'll look better than him in a couple of years." I said, gaurding Taylor away from my little sister.

"Really?" she asked, now a doubtful expression on her face.

"Of course. They already look like each other anyway." I said, setting my suitcase down.

"What should I do?" she asked.

"Kiss him." I suggested.

"Dare me?"

"Double dare you." She gave me a sly smile. I watched her as she walked over to Zac, grabbed his face, and planted a big one right on his cheek. He gave her a disgusted look and took his hand and wiped off his face, exclaiming, "Ew, yuck!" She ran off, laughing.

"Hey did you tell Celeste to do that?" Taylor asked, coming over to me and putting one arm around my shoulders.

"No, I double-dared her to." I said, nodding my head.

"I'm so glad that we're taking this trip together. And that you're feeling better." he said, patting my stomach.

"Tay, I had mono three weeks ago. I'm glad I got it though. I lost ten pounds and now I look good in my new swimsuits." I praised.

We started to walk off into the airport. I didn't realize it until I heard my dad calling for us to not wander off.

At that moment, I was willing to do anything my parents said. I was so grateful that we were taking this trip. Even better, we were taking it with some good friends, the Hansons.

Why don't I start from the beginning. I'm Molly, a slightly tan Caucasian with brunette hair to my shoulders. It was naturally curly, very frizzy at times, and thick. Sometimes I'd blow-dry it, straighten it, crimp it, or I would just let it dry by itself so that it curled into tendrils. I'm tall, five foot nine, and I have friendly brown eyes, a small nose with freckles dotted over it, and a small mouth with small teeth. I plan to put collagen implants in them when I get enough money.

I was traveling with my family. David, my dad; Colleen, my mom; and my twelve year-old sister that looks nothing like me, Celeste.

Of the Hanson family, Isaac was the older brother, was going to be a senior at the high school, and Taylor and I were going to be sophomores.

Celeste and Zac, Taylor and Isaac's younger brother, went to the middle school. It was too much torture for them when they found out that they were going to be in the same seventh grade homeroom next year.

Jessica and Avery, the oldest Hanson sisters, were in elementary school. Jessica would be in fourth grade while Avery was going into second grade.

Mackenzie was the youngest Hanson boy. He was still in pre-school.

And for the remaining Hanson, Zoe was the baby sister. She was about seven months old, and she was adorable.

Let's not forget about Diana and Walker Hanson. Of course, ther were the Hanson parents.

"Colleen! Molly! Celeste! I have a surprise for you!"

When I came down the stairs, I saw my dad holding up four envelopes. He handed one to my mom, Celeste, me, and he kept one for himself.

"Open them." he said eagerly. We ripped then apart and found airplane tickets.

"Daddy, where are we going?" Celeste asked, confused.

"Well, you know that pen that has a radio built in it that Walker and I invented?" he asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"And you know that contest I told you about that was being held at work?" he continued.

"David, what's going on?" my mom asked.

"Well, our invention won and both of our families are going on a eight day cruise in the Bahamas and six days in Disneyworld together!" he exclaimed.

"Oh, David!" my mom exclaimed, throwing her arms around my dad.

"Daddy!" Celeste and I shreiked. We all joined in a group hug. Then Celeste and I broke off and started jumping up and down. "Molly! Molly!...Molly..."

"Molly!" a shout called.

"Huh, what?" I asked, snapping out of my thought.

"Our plane! It's leaving in five minutes." Isaac informed me, tugging at my arm to get me going with the rest of the clan.

"Oh, right!" I said.

"Come on, let's hurry." We ran to catch up with the others. Wait a second. My backpack! I ran back to get it and then ran to catch up with everyone else.

-chapter one-


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