Chapter 5

"Taylor. Touch me now. Please." Molly begged, reaching her hand out to my hair, brushing it behind my left ear.

To me, to her, this was the first time I got the chance to actually touch her. Before the summer began, I made a mistake by touching her without her allowing me to do so. Big mistake. She didn't have any relations with me for a week. Personally, I thought she was overreacting, but I should've known. She's highly sensitive. I'd have to say it was worth the wait.

"Are you sure?" I asked to be safe, not wanting to make the same mistake again.

"Taylor, just do it. Forget about all my inhibitions from the past. I was such a prude. I want to move on from that. Please." she begged again. "Don't be scared." She smiled.

"Take off your shirt." I whispered, getting into the mood.

She sat up, and she held onto my body with her legs. She brought my hands to the hem of her shirt, hinting me to take it off for her. I greedily pulled it off, and stared in awe at her gorgeous breasts.

"Oh baby, those are beautiful." I commented, burying my face in the cleavage of her breasts, kissing them. She held my head in that place, and kissed the top of my head.

I got up from her and threw my shirt off. Her hands felt good running up and down my chest-

"Oh my God Taylor, when did you get like this?" she asked, referring to my chest and torso, rolling us over so that she was atop of me. I must say, I had been changing my muscular physique since we started dating.

"I can't quite remember, but- ohhhh..." I started to say and then moaned when I felt her tongue trace my mid-section.

"You like it baby, don't you." she breaked, then continued.

I gasped. "Oh yeah."

I lifted her under her arms and rolled her over on her back once again, and I sat on her abdominals. My fingers crept up and down her chest and arms, and she'd giggle at every touch. I brought my mouth down to her shoulder and kissed it. Peeling away the strap from her bra and kissing her neck and shoulder was better.

"Just take it off already." she whispered unsurely, fidgeting out of both straps.

My hands grazed over her breasts once again, and I took the clasp between my thumbs and index fingers and started to unclasp it.

"Wait, nevermind. I don't want to do this yet. Let's go slower." she shyed off just as I was about to peel the material away from her skin.

"Come on Molly. How many times will we be together, alone, on a grand cruise ship in the Bahamas?" I complained to her.

"Tay, I guess I just don't feel quite comfortable doing this; I mean, presenting to you what lies beneath my clothes. This is one of the many reasons why I'm not ready for sex. I'm too shy to reveal everything about myself." she explained.

"You shouldn't be embarrassed. God, you're just so perfect. I think you have a gorgeous body, creative mind, incredible intelligence, wonderful personality-"

"You're always saying that. You've never seen my body, you could be disappointed, and then that will make me feel like I didn't arise to your expectations." she worried.

I sat up, and sighed. I really wanted to go far with her, but I couldn't ruin what we already had going for us. There was no turning back. I decided to remain patient with her, and just...wait. But I couldn't let her see I was upset.

I put on a small smile, enough to comfort her. "It's your body, and you can show it to me whenever you're ready." I said understandably.

She smiled back at me.

Our attention turned to the phone when it rang. I got up off of her and I pulled on my shirt. She leaned over and picked up the phone.

"Hello?...Hi Dad...At where?...On what floor?...Ten minutes...Okay...Bye." she ended the quick call.

"What's up?" I asked, struggling and hopping on one foot to get my shoe on the other foot.

"Daddy says dinner at Agua Caliente on the eighth floor is at six o'clock. It's five fifty now." she said, looking at her watch.

"So we better get going." I said, pulling on my other shoe. She stared a sexy glance at me, still laying on the bed.

"What's that look for?" I asked in the tone of the glance she was giving me.

"Come here, lover boy." she said and signaled with one finger.

"Lover boy?" I questioned, climbing onto the bed.

"Come here, kamakazi." she whispered seductively, licking her finger and trailing it down her chest, stopping it at her stomach. She took the "Trail to Paradise."

I smiled, lowering my eyes directly on hers. I climbed in between her legs, and kissed her lustfully. She returned it, and we kissed again. I stopped, and brushed her hair out of her face.

"Don't ever call me kamakazi again." I ordered, and got up to take a piss. I left her with a frown on her face.

"It means that I'm a Japanese soldier from the second World War willing to dive my plane and kill myself on American turf trying to kill other Americans in hope for Japanese victory." I yelled through the closed door of the bathroom.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked Celeste. She was picking at her chille rellenos and staring out into space with a sick puppy look on her face. She didn't answer me.

"Hello, anyone there?" I asked, waving my hand in front of her face, and then snapped my fingers twice.

"What do you want, Zac?" she asked dreamily, still in a trance.

"Are you going to come back to Earth now or stay on Albertane a little bit longer?"

"What the hell is Albertane?" she asked, giving me an annoyed look, squinting her eyes.

"I have no clue. It was the first word that came to my mind. I know, it could be the capital of Mars!" I exclaimed, pointing my finger upwards like I had a master idea.

"Fuck off, Zac." she muttered, and went back to picking at her dinner.

"Oooh, tract those claws." I chuckled.

"Leave me alone." she whined, and left the dinner table.

"Smooth move, Zac." Tay comented. He had his arm around Molly, who was sitting next to me.

"Tay..." she warned.

"Molly, can we talk?" I asked in a little boy voice, my eyebrows pointed up with a hopeful look.

"Sure," she replied. "Be right back, Tay." She kissed his cheek, and I led her outside of the restaurant to talk to her.

"Why is Celeste such a bitch lately?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Well, I don't know. But, no offense Zac, but why do you care about Celeste? You guys hate each other to the bone." she reminded me.

"I know...but...she...agh, can I tell you something Molly, and you won't tell anyone?" I was afraid of revealing my secret.

"I won't tell anyone unless you want me to." she agreed, giving me an honest look.

I was beginning to think I could trust her. "IhaveacrushonCeleste." I muttered.

"Zac, slow down." She gestured her hands in a stop signal. "I couldn't understand what you said."

"I have a crush on Celeste." I said more slowly.

I could tell she was taken aback by my response by the way she back her head up slightly.

"You like Celes- how long?" she interrupted herself, shaking her head in disbelief.

"I've liked her for a little bit, ever since school got out. Molly, does she ever talk about me?"

"Mmmn, she says how much she hates you." she revealed, then realized that shouldn't have been the answer I wanted to hear.

That made my heart sink. Even though I used to hate her guts, I knew I still acted like it, and I couldn't let Celeste know that I liked her otherwise she'd laugh at me.

"I'm sorry Zac, do you want me to read her diary for you?" she offered when she saw my face fall.

"Could you?" I asked eagerly.

She giggled. "Oh Zac, only little sisters and brothers go through older siblings things. It's practically a rule. I'm sure you have. I make sure all my stuff is hidden away from Celeste."

I half-smiled. "Do you think that maybe a smidgen of her might like a smidgen of me?"

She sighed. "I hate to burst your bubble Zac, but she kind of met, per say, a fling today-"

"Crap." I interrupted, turning around and leaning against the ship's railing.

"Zac, my keyword is fling. He's going to find out sooner of later that she's only twelve." Molly facted out.

This caught my attention. I turned back around. "He doesn't know she's twelve?" I asked bluntly.

"He's sixteen, and he thinks she's fifteen. She said she was fifteen to him. I don't think you should be threatened by him. Of all people that should feel threatened should be Taylor, but I don't think he's worried. I think his name Reynaldo, or excuse me, REY, and..." she went on.

I tuned Molly out for a minute, and thought of something. What if I could find this guy, this Rey guy, get a hold of him, and tell him the truth about Celeste? But then she might find out I ratted on her. It also means I could possibly have a chance with her. I should do it.

"...if it will last. Zac? Zac?" Molly asked, waving her hand in front of my face.

"Huh? I'm back." I snapped.

"Let's go back inside, yeah?"


I couldn't wait for my plan to take action.

-chapter four-

-chapter six-


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