-chapter six-

-chapter six-

After dinner that night at Agua Caliente, I decided to take an evening stroll around the ship. I had noticed I'd spent a lot of time by myself lately, even though we departed from Florida yesterday. Then again, maybe not. After all, I did meet Erica and spent the day with her up until a half hour before dinner. But it sure seemed like I was lonely. Taylor and Molly were CONSTANTLY together, and I didn't want to be a third wheel. Zac?...No. I didn't want to baby-sit Jessica, Avery and Mackenzie, even though they were at that play club thing. My parents were out of the question. So what was I left with?

I just walked around the same deck for awhile, and turned the corner to look out at the ocean. Ah, a person standing there was the someone I'd met earlier today. Erica. I smiled and started to walk towards her.

Then I stopped. I watched her contently as she stared out into the sapphire sea, the ripples reflecting from the sun setting in the horizon, smiling and swaying her head back and forth, like dancing to music that was playing in her mind. I didn't want to break her peacefulness, but I decided to do it serenely.

I walked over steadily and kept my eyes on her, a small smile on my lips.

"Hey." I greeted her softly, placing my hand on her shoulder.

She turned her head and looked at me, her hazel eyes staring into my brown ones. A smile rose upon her face, but she didn't speak yet.

"Isaac." she sighed, wrapping her arms around my neck, hugging me. I was caught off guard, but I didn't show it, and simply returned her welcoming embrace.

She let go, and gave me a thoughtful look.

"What?" I asked paranoidly.

She turned and looked out into the ocean again. "Isn't it beautiful?" she asked quietly.

"Yeah." I replied nonchalantly.

"Well, I mean, sometimes, how do I say this. I'm a very unpredicatble person. One minute I'm wild and crazy, the next I'm content and serene. This is one of those times. Seeing, thinking, hearing things like this site is so extraordinary." She spoke with an English accent.

I couldn't totally understand and relate to her, but I had a good guess of where she was coming from and what she was talking about. "You know what I think?" I said after her spoken words. "I think, that as much as you think this ocean is beautiful, and that you said something along the lines of you having what is most-likely called a multiple personality, and that you now just spoke with an accent your not accustomed to, I think that you would make such a good actress." I whispered in her ear.

"Really? I was going for that approach." she said normally.

"Honestly, yes." I replied.

"Isaac?" she turned around, looking into my eyes, and sighed. "Would you...like to, I mean, I was wondering...do you want to spend the day together tomorrow on the island?" she proposed.

I replied with a kiss on her cheek, giving into the temptation when I kept staring at her rosy rouge.

"That's a yes, I'm assuming." she spoke up after it.

"Of course." I said.

As the sun set on that first day of my vacation, I could tell this was a start of a beautiful relationship between me and Erica. I really need to stop watching "Casablanca" so much and get out more.

The ship docked at Nassau at eight o'clock in the morning. We were all going to leave the ship together and eat breakfast somewhere on the island. Then we were going to seperate into groups. Tay and I were going to take Mackenzie, and Celeste and Zac were touring with Jessica and Avery. Isaac was taking a day off form our baby-sitting system we constructed and was going to spend it with Erica. My parents, Walker, and Diana and Zoe were gooing to stick together.

The island was gorgeous. It was a busybody city where the people were extremely polite and knew each other. There wasn't too much to do except to shop or eat or something similar to that. It was really cute. Mackenzie dragged me and Taylor everywhere, and we all got tired out a couple of hours after lunch, so we took him back to the ship where he took a nap. I went to a little convenience store two floors up and bought a few packets of lemonade while Taylor stayed with Mackenzie and kept an eye on him. I made the lemonade at the wet bar while Tyler fetched some ice. When he came back, I wasn't done making the lemonade, and he couldn't keep his hands off of me. I tried hard to resist, but eventually, he picked me up and threw me on one of the beds, climbing on top of me. By then, I couldn't keep my hands off of him, and we started making-out heavily, running our hands all over each other and making sounds. It was very hard for me to stop him, but I did because the connecting door to which Mackenzie was sleeping in was open. Mackenzie got up after our rendevouz and I poured the prepared lemonade into three cups, and brought them outside on the deck (our side facing the ocean) and we talked and drank the refreshments. Then the three of us played "Go Fish" until dinner. It was a pleasant day.

I was about to take a bite out of my cheeseburger when I heard a moan come out of Celeste. I turned to look at her very slowly, and she moaned again, holding her head. I then put my sandwich down, and just looked at her.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked, giving her a weird look. She continued to moan.

"Mo-ommm, I have a bad headache. Can I go and lie down?" she asked, clutching her stomach.

"Is it that bad?" her mom questioned.

"Please mom? Can I take a couple of aspirins and rest?" she pleaded, closing her eyes a bit as if she was in real pain.

"Okay Celeste." And with that, she got up and left like she had a real headache.

"May I be excused?" I asked after awhile when Celeste departed.

"You only ate half of your dinner." my mom pointed out.

"I'm full." I declared.

"Okay, you may." She let me go.

I got up from the table and walked out of the restaurant, almost like I was in a hurry.

As I exited the door, I said outloud to myself, "Celeste doesn't have a headache. She was just fine right before we went into the restaurant and met up with everyone. She's up to something, I know it. And I'm gonna find out what it is."

I had neared a corner of a gift shop when I heard a familiar giggle. I peered my head around the corner, and saw Celeste. She was sitting on a rail, a guy between her legs. His hands were on her hips. Everytime she giggled, he'd give her a kiss.

I watched them for awhile. He mumbled something in her ear, and then kissed it. She took his head and they started making out.

Reynaldo, I said evily in my mind. The more I thought about and looked at and spent time with Celeste, the more I found myself liking her. I didn't know whether I loved to hate her or hated to love her. Actually, I hated us hating each other. I hated pretending to hate her. Why did we have to hate so much?

Back to Reynaldo. I was getting mad. He was touching her in between her thighs now, and I was about to reveal myself. But wait! My plan, I remembered it. I couldn't forget it. Again, I was about to reveal myself, when I felt a tap on my right shoulder.

I turned around, and my eyes matched with the cute girl's green eyes I'd met yesterday.

"Hi Zac. Remember me?" she asked innocently, batting her eyelashes and tucking her honey blonde hair behind her right ear gently, then placed her hands on her hips.

"Jenny." was all I could say.

"So, what are you doing?" her questions always came out breathy, like wispy, light clouds.

"Uh..." I turned around and took a look at Celeste and Reynaldo, who were still making out. I got an idea. "You-you wanna go...for a walk?" I asked.

"Yeah. Sure." she said in her heavenly voice.

I didn't sense too much chemistry between us yet. In fact, Jenny seemed more fake than angelic right now. When we played table hockey yesterday, she seemed more aggressive and outgoing. Hmmm.....I had to dig deeper into this girl; a mystery that needed to be solved. I liked mysteries. And she made me smile.

"Come on." I said, nodding my head into the direction of where Celeste and Reynaldo were, taking her hand and interlocking her fingers with mine. "Let's go...somewhere." She smiled.

We walked around the corner, and Celeste and Reynaldo were gone. God dammit. I thought that maybe acting all sweet and cozy with Jenny in front of Celeste would make her feel the way (or possibly worse) that I felt when I saw her with Reynaldo or that I just can't touch or talk to her the way I want to: like how I would if I was her boyfriend.

But wait! There's always that possible chance that she could like me. I mean, since I treat her with hate, but I like her; she treats me with hate, which means she could possibly like me. And she's playing games with my heart by getting with Reynaldo to test and see if I'm jealous and reveal my secret crush to her. Yeah.

But this assumption could be false.

I couldn't take extreme chances. I thought what I'd do is be more nicer to her. Not too nice, just less smart remarks and stuff.

But right now, maybe I'll just focus on Jenny.

"Well, it's getting kinda late." I told Jenny as we came out of the elevator, it taking us to the floor where my cabin room was.

"It's only eight-thirty." she opposed.

"Well, yeah..." I didn't continue my sentence because really, I couldn't open Jenny up. It was tough. I would ask her questions and get one-word answers in return. I mean yeah, I've only known her two days, but nothing has happened! Especially talking! It's just four word sentences and stuff. I was becoming impatient.

"Well, I did have one more thing I wanted to do with you." she started to suggest.

I felt like I could put up with one more thing. Hopefully she might tell me something more about her. "What's that?" I asked.

"Come here." she said, taking her finger and signaling me to get closer to her, and she took me into a cabin room. I assumed it was hers.

She turned on the light, and threw her windbreaker over the chair at the desk. "You wanna play a little game?" she asked, her voice dripping with naiveness, running her finger over my collarbone and walking around me.

"What kinda game?" I asked, standing still, getting nervous, yet excited. She was up to something.

She stood in front of me. "Well, it starts like this." she said, taking a Starburst from the desk, unwrapping it, and holding it between her front teeth.

"And, what am I supposed to do?" I asked, now getting confused.

She took the candy out of her mouth to explain. "You take the candy out of my mouth. But with your mouth, and we'll see what goes on from there." She put the candy back in between her teeth.

I hesitated for a moment, but I did as she explained. And I kissed her.

When we broke away, I took the last Starburst, unwrapped it, and threw it in my mouth, closing it, and giving Jenny an evil smile.

She threw my smile back at me, and went in. She kissed me how I'd never imagined to be kissed until I was at least fourteen. She stuck her tongue in my mouth, fishing for my Starburst. She found it, and flicked it into her mouth.

She pulled away, and smiled, opening her mouth and showing me her succession on getting the candy. "Good thing you know how to share. Everyone shouldn't be greedy." she philosophied.

What the hell, I should take advantage of this moment. Yes. I stepped up to her by the bed.

"Can I help you?" she asked.

I hesitated for a nano-second. "Can we...continue this some other time?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" she asked, pouting. "No wait! You can't! Please don't." she begged, tugging my arm and tried to get me to stay with her.

I turned around at the door. "Maybe I'll see you around." I left her with that, opened the door, and stepped out, then leaning against the door.

"Oh man, she's weird." I said to myself, and ran my fingers through my hair. "I'm not ready for what we did. Ick." I scrunched my nose.

I stood there and stared, then walked to my cabin room, still staring. Molly and Taylor came bursting out of it, laughing their heads off. I continued to stare into space, and walked inside the room, shutting the door.

”Zac? Zac?” Taylor asked me, waving his hand in front of me. I didn’t respond, and I opened my cabin door to let myself in.

"What's wrong with Jason?" I heard Molly ask Taylor.

"I don't know, but forget about him. Let's go." Taylor replied, and they ran off.

-chapter five-

-chapter seven-


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