-chapter five-

chapter five

"God dammit, I have no idea what to do with that asshole." I said to Shannon over the phone. I ran my fingers through my hair an infinite amount of times that it was beginning to get a bit greasy from all the hair gel that was transfused into it.

"Well, you can't put up with him without a fight." she replied.

"That's been said and done..." I muttered, thinking about the fight that one night that we had. I still had bruises trying to clear up on my back.

"What?" she gasped, curiousity in her voice.

"Do you have any idea what he did to me?" I asked her disgustingly.

"No, tell me." I could hear the concern now.

"Well, first I had to go over to his house for the night because his mom and my dad were going to go out. And I had to go over there, my dad forced me to. I would have never done it on my own free will." I started to explain.

"Yeah, sure Noelle, you went over there so you both could-"

"Ugh! Shannon, you're...no. Anyways, as I was saying, I was brutally forced to go over there. I was trying to study for a test when he wouldn't stop annoying me, so I punched his sorry face hard. Then he punched me in the jaw and we started fighting, physically. I mean, he actually had the nerve to harrass me." I explained.

Shannon was quiet all of a sudden. "What do you mean by, 'harrass me?'"

"Well, it's kind of embarrassing, but he groped me when he was actually trying to choke me. At least, I think he was trying to choke me." I confided, choking out the word that I hated to say.

"Wait, wait, wait. You're saying that you hit him, he punched you, and then you both got into a fight in which he groped you?" she reviewed.

"Yeah, but it's much more worse than how you put it." I said.

"Why, exactly, do you hate Taylor? I mean, don't get me wrong, he can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but why do you hate him so much?" she asked.

"Hmmm..." I said, and thought. Why do I hate him? He's annoying, a smart-ass, he always has to have his way, he's pushy..."

"Noelle, are you still there or did we lose contact? Noelle Noelle Noelle Noelle Noelle Noelle Noelle-" Shannon pursued.

"Calm down, I'm thinking, give me a minute." I said, and continued to anticipate.

"If you really hated him, you wouldn't need to think. You'd tell me why RIGHT NOW." she said.

"Can I call you back? My dad just got home." I lied, and hung up.

As I laid the phone down back in its cradle, I thought about what Shannon said. If I really hated him bad, I would've spilled it out right then and there.

And for this particular reason I couldn't take my mind off of this problem.

"Okay, we'll be at the Grotto, the number's are on the fridge, a pizza is in the oven, and we'll see you in another few hours." my dad said.

"Dad, wait-" I started to say, but he and Diana were already out the door, and he escorted her to his car. "God, they leave so fast. You'd think they'd want us alone." I said aloud to no one in particular.

Taylor came in from the kitchen with a Pepsi. "Yeah, we always have to be at one another's house when they go out, but I guess this time I have to baby-sit you." he said.

"Why are you always insulting or putting me down? Is it funny to you or something?" I asked out of the blue, thinking about his behavior towards me since the first day of school.

"Me? You've been calling me an asshole, gave me a fat lip and a black eye, you insulted me-"

"Oh, yeah right, like what you did was harmless. You called me a bitch, whore, tramp, a fuckin' slut, you insulted me, you gave me a fat lip, black eye, and you sexually abused me!" I yelled.

"Are you out of your mind?! I didn't sexually abuse you." he said with wide eyes, astonished at my statement.

"You did! You groped me that one day when we were fighting. So I have proof!" I yelled, starting to get into his face.

"Oh yeah, like I would grope you for my own pleasure." he muttered softly, getting into my face as well.

"I didn't say you groped me for your own pleasure," I re-stated in a low voice. "I only said that you sexually abused me, meaning that you groped me!"

"Are you hot?" he asked when his lips were close to mine.

"Hotter." I replied back fast, and at the speed of light, our bodies were magnetized together and our mouth's locked into one, powerful kiss.

After nine long seconds, we pulled away from each other. Neither of us said anything to each other, until a sigh of air escaped my mouth and a little smile rose upon my lips. He was next to follow.

"Wow, I didn't expect that to happen." he said.

"Me neither." I replied, standing away from him slightly.

"That was great." he commented, smiling.

"Then let's do it again." I offered. He cradled my back in his hand when I cradled the back of his neck in my hand as we began a short, kissing sentence.

He led us over to the couch, not breaking our union, and we sat down together. I scooted closer to him when he didn't, and threw my leg over his. He held my thigh so that my leg stayed over his body, whereas his other arm was around my waist. I kept my arm around his waist as well, and my other hand never moved. It stayed behind his neck.

As we did this, we lost track of time and didn't pay attention when the oven timer went off.

Finally snapping back into reality, "Oh my god, the pizza." I said, and ran into the kitchen; Taylor a pace behind me.

I grabbed some oven pan holders and got the pizza out. It was blackened, burned to a crisp.

"Whoops, we were distracted, and the pizza decided to kill itself." I said, setting the pizza tray on the stove.

"That's okay, I'm not that hungry anyway." Taylor assured, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah, neither am I." I said, crossing my arms, then turning my body to face Taylor's.

For the rest of the night, we apologized by kissing away every mean thing we did to each other, double for even worser cases. And believe me, it took us the whole night until five minutes before our parents walked through the door.

-chapter four-

-chapter six-


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