-chapter six-

-chapter six-

Days came and days went. My love burned for Taylor more and more each and every day. As I look back into the past, not to long ago, why in hell did we ever treat other so badly?

Of course, things at school were the same, literally. Taylor and I had been secretly dating each other for only two weeks, but no one except us knew about it.

Try-outs for the "Romeo and Juliet" play were being held in one week. It was open to the whole school. Without a doubt, Taylor and I were going to try out. There was just one problem. Taylor and I wanted to try-out together, but we thought, wouldn't some people get suspicious? I mean, truly acting like lovers, when they only knew of us as haters to each other?

This episode contemplated me and Taylor for the longest time. Finally, after about seven hours of thinking one day, the plan of all plans smacked me right across the face; and hereby, a new mission was born.

Slam! went my english book. The last bell on Friday rang. It was a special day for me; not just because it was Friday, but because it was the day for try-outs for the play, "Romeo and Juliet," and I was totally ecstatic.

I waited impatiently for Ms. Lutter, the drama teacher, to come to the theater for directions. Shannon decided to wait with me.

I was surprised, but not surprised, in some sort of logical explanation. I mean, she was kind of a close friend, but not as close as Rachel or Rae Ann. I met Rae Ann a couple of weeks ago, and we totally clicked, like we were long-lost sisters. The only problem was that she left to visit her grandparents in Ponca City for the weekend and Rachel had a doctor's appointment for her diabetes condition. When I asked Shannon to come with me, I was surprised and relieved she accepted the offer.

Then Ms. Lutter finally arrived and gave instructions to everyone, and then she partnered up guys and girls trying-out for the parts of Romeo and Juliet. I totally forgot about my plan, but what luck, Taylor and I were partnered up. And in a daze, I smiled, and turned around to see a grim expression upon Taylor's face. I snapped out of my trance and dirtied a look towards him.

Forever and ever we waited and waited. Just as I was about to doze off, a "Noelle Chavez....and....Taylor Hanson, you're up. Act two, scene two."

I went up the stairs behind a balcony back-drop, and waited against the rail, pretending to daydream about my "Romeo."

"He jests at scars that never felt another wound. But soft; what light through yonder window breaks? It is the East, and Juliet is the sun!...It is my lady; O, it is my love!...O that I were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek!" Brian recited, with such emotion, such intensity, so dramatically. He even did the blocking; holding his hand up to me as if he were actually going to touch my cheek.

"Ay me!" I breathily gasped, leaning my elbow on the balcony rail and stared at him dreamily.

"O, speak again, bright angel!...and sails upon the bosom of the air." he finished.

"O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or, if thou wilt not, but be sworn my love, and I'll no longer be a Capulet." I said, calling out to him.

Though it was a long process, we managed to get through it and put out a great performance.

I went back over to Shannon. She just sat and stared at me in awe.

"What's that look for?" I asked, plopping down in the chair next to her.

"That was...perfect. My god, you were perfect with Taylor, as if you two were really Romeo and Juliet, or even in love. But why did you act perfect with Taylor? You hate his ass." she asked, confused.

"There's your keyword, Shannon. I acted perfect," I said. "But I still hate Taylor." I fibbed.

"Oh, okay." she replied, and glanced at her watch. "Oh, hey, I gotta go. Basketball practice. Good luck." she said, and got up and left.

"See ya." I replied.

Finally, we got to go home. I looked around for Taylor everyone was gone. I gave up and started walking home. It was getting dark, but there was some daylight left.

"Psssssst. Pssst, Noelle." I heard a voice from somewhere, and it scared me. I darted my head back and forth.

"Noelle, in the bushes." The voice called out again, and then out popped Taylor from my left.

"Taylor," I gasped, embracing and kissing him. "You scared me."

"I'm sorry. I wanted to wait for you, but I thought better of it and went ahead to wait for you."

I kissed him again, his arms holding me. "I love you." "Me too. I mean, I love you too."

We stayed embraced and kissing for nearly an hour, when my dad beeped me on my pager and said I had to go home. We walked together as if nothing could shatter the moment.

-chapter five-

-chapter seven-


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