-chapter seven-

chapter seven

"Noelle, you have to come see this very quickly." Rae Ann spilled the second, literally, I stepped into the freshmen halls.

"Did your grandma make you sticky saccharine buns again? Tsk, tsk, tsk." I said calmly, walking past her to my locker.

"No, I'm serious Noelle, come and see this. You will not appreciate it." she claimed more seriously.

She led me over to the student bulletin board, where I saw a blown-up black and white photocopy of Taylor and I totally going at it!

"Augh!" I quickly screamed with wide eyes, and then tore it off of the board immediately. Then I heard a lot of snickering in the halls and I turned around. Everyone was holding a copy of that black and white photo of me and Taylor! I ran down the halls, tearing the papers out of everybody's hands.

When I reached the end of the hall, I turned and found more photos taped up and down the halls. What I didn't realize a few seconds ago was that there was a caption below the picture, stating, "Get a room!"

Tears threatened to take over my face, but I wouldn't allow myself to become more embarrassed then I already was. Who the hell would do this to me?

The bell rang for first and everyone scrambled to their classes before they received a tardy. I saw Taylor approahing me with a confused look on his face, but I only ran away from his direction and into the bathroom. I skipped first for that day, agonizing over what I witnessed.

I know, I overreacted, but no one was supposed to know. If only there was some way to turn this incident around. If only.....ah ha! As I fixed my hair in front of the mirror, I came up with a plan. But it could only work if something turned out the way I would hope, and I had to count on that first.

"What kind of assembly is going on?" I asked Rachel as we walked towards the drama room, knowing what was going on; where my plan would take place.

"Duh, they're formally announcing the roles for the "Romeo and Juliet" play. You should know, you tried out."

"Oh." I said.

It wasn't a mandatory assembly, and it was also during lunch. Only the people who tried out and quite a few other people were situated in the drama room, sprawled out everywhere in chairs and on the floor.

When everyone was situated, we quieted down and waited for Ms. Lutter to announce the new cast.

"Attention, students, attention. I would like to proudly present the roles for the ever famous play, "Romeo and Juliet." You see, there has been quite a history for..." Ms. Lutter started to lecture.

"Ms. Lutter, please. Why don't we just announce the cast instead of standing up here all day. I'm sure all of these guys have made lunch plans and they want to attend to them as soon as possible." the assistant director suggested impatiently.

"Okay. The new cast for "Romeo and Juliet" are..." Ms. Lutter started, and she announced all the other roles before the two main roles, of course, Romeo and Juliet.

"...And our new Romeo is...Taylor Hanson!" Mr. Johns, the assistant director, called out.

Everyone clapped as Taylor went to the front to stand with everyone else that was chosen for the cast. This worried me a bit. I mean, yeah, I was ecstatic that he got the main role, but what if I didn't?

"And, our new Juliet this year is..."

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Please, please, please, please..." I kept saying over and over again. Rachel sqeezed my hands tightly.

"...Noelle Chavez!" Ms. Lutter exclaimed.

I opened my eyes. "Oh my god! I'm Juliet!" I shouted.

I walked up to the front where the whole cast was standing. And just like an encore for the show, we all held hands and took two bows. Then I turned to Taylor, and took his face in for a deep kiss. I could tell he was surprised, and he almost backed off, in shock.

As we did this, everyone else gasped in surprise.

-chapter six-

-chapter eight-


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