saturday: september eleventh, nineteen ninety-nine

saturday: september eleventh, nineteen ninety-nine

I woke up at a measly, early 7:33 in the morning. I had a terrible last night's sleep. After writing my poem about Nathan, I shut out the lights at close to 11pm because I needed to wake up early this morning, it was just a horrible slumber. I kept waking up, getting a drink, going to the bathroom. And I was hot the whole night. So it was terrible.

I got ready for the day anyway, and my gaurdian and I went to JCPenney and I got a pair of hippie jeans and a hippie shirt, a black skirt, and two nice purple and baby blue wardrobe shirts.

Then we went to the grocery store and got food for the week. It sure wasn't a lot. I guess maybe cause I didn't pick out a lot of things because I'm sick and didn't care for it at the time.

I went to look for my gaurdian when we were about to leave, and I saw the aisle with the condoms in them, and stopped a little to look at them, and they reminded me of Nathan. Dirty mind, Kim! Dirty Dirty Dirty! *wide grin =)*

Then we went to drop off clothes at the cleaners and went to Glicks deli to get steak and chicken for dinner.

We got back home, and I went online for a few minutes, and then played solitaire. Then I went back downstairs and watched some TV. I thought about taking a nap, but then decided I'd just go to bed early tonight.

I kept and keep putting off my homework, and I gotta start it tonight because one of them requires writing and essay-type paper that has to be at least 2-3 pages. I also have to do an observation by Wednesday for Drama, but I want to get it out of the way this weekend. And I also have to write a Letter to the Editor for Journalism.

On top of my homework, I absolutely need to write a letter to my friend Stefania in Italy. I have been procrastinating on that since around a month ago.

Now I'm listening to the Romeo and Juliet soundtrack while typing my journal, and it's playing "Lovefool" which reminds me of Nathan and I. Before that was OUR song, "#1 Crush." Here's the story:

One day last year on the bus, I brought my CD player to school with me. Nathan invited me to sit next to him, and the beginning of "#1 Crush" starts out with Shirley Manson making some kind of erotic moan twice. I thought Nathan might get a kick out of listening to that since he's kind of the pervert type. I made him listen to it. At first, he didn't listen to that part, and I replayed it and put the volume on maximum. He heard it, and he's all, "Woah! What was that? Lemme hear it again!" It was SOOOO funny. So that's mine and Nathan's song.

Well, that about wraps it up for today.

I think I love you! And what am I so afraid of? Okay, I gotta stop singing. I love you Nathan.

-my journal-

-star side-