oh it attracts me so

oh it attracts me so

Your hair
A shiny chocolate shade
Split down the middle
With a little cut section
That hangs off your forehead
Oh it attracts me so

The light reflects off your forehead
Glaring a bright spot
Oh it attracts me so

Your eyebrows
A german chocolate hue
Rest above your squinted shut eyes
The ends start the bridge of your nose
And lead it down
To a ball
At the edge
Of the nose you own
Oh it attracts me so

As your eyes remain shut
Your cheeks form triangles beneath them
The cause is the flash of light
Otherwise they’d look like circles
But either way
Oh it attracts me so

Your mouth
Sweet tender rigid muddy pink lips
That form a semi-smile
Or an annoyed expression
But either way
Oh it attracts me so

Your hair
Hangs above your left ear
Your right ear is hiding
Oh it attracts me so

Your neck
A gold chain lies around it
Underneath the collar
Of your green plaid sleeved shirt
You wear a white shirt
With horizontal green stripes
Over it
Oh it attracts me so

In your right hand
You hold
A wicked pencil
That hand
You write with it
Oh it attracts me so

Your left hand
Curled and perched next to your right
Your arm holds it up
Oh it attracts me so

I wish to see you
Open your eyes
For I have seen them previously
But even more
I want to see them again
Those caramel eyes
That belong in your sockets
On your face
Oh it attracts me so

Open your eyes
Quit teasing me
Open them God Dammit
Unless you do not wish to see
The tear roll down my cheek
Grant my wish
I want to see you
Oh it attracts me so

Oh it attracts me so

-my poetry-

-my writings-

-star side-