thursday and friday: september nineth and tenth, nineteen ninety-nine

thursday and friday: september nineth and tenth, nineteen ninety-nine

thursday: september nineth, nineteen ninety-nine

Basically this was another boring day at school. Boring meaning nothing happened in classes, and all the "action" was before school, in between classes, at lunch, and after school. I hung out with Javier and Ben at this bench on the side of the Academic Building before school. I made Sarah buy me a Smoothee at lunch so I could at least have some food in my stomach.

And like usual nowadays, I got assigned a lot of homework. And considering this was the night of the MTV Video Music Awards, I had four hours to complete my homework, from 4pm to 8pm. But when I got home, I turned on the TV as usual, and during a commercial break on TRL on MTV, I flipped through the movie channels, and got really engrossed in this one movie I’d never seen before called, "Airspeed." If it’s ever on, I recommend you watch it. It’s about this teenage girl who takes some people, her father’s co-workers, or some people like that, and go on a plane ride, and then the four people who went with the girl all get unconcious, and she’s flying the plane on automatic, and all these things go wrong, and the tower people are trying to save her from crashing, and she has to land the plane herself. Oh my God, it’s really good.

That finally ended at 6pm, only giving me two hours to eat dinner and complete my homework. I barely made by! I read two chapters in "To Kill A Mockingbird," which took around a 1/2 hour alone. I only had two Spanish exercises, and plenty of Geometry homework. I finished at 7:30pm, surprisingly.

Jenna told me earlier that she had gotten a hold of the pictures that Cassie the Bitch took last year at Green Acres, and Nathan was in a couple of them. She went to get photocopies of those pictures, and I called her and asked her to bring them over. I was so psyched! I cut them out, and placed them in a frame that I keep right on top of my alarm clock that’s only less than 2 feet away from my head when I sleep.

Finally, after about an hour through the VMA’s, I got settled in my bed to watch the remaining part of the show.

IT SUCKED!! Oh my God, it sucked so bad! The first hour was the best, and the Eminem performance rocked, and that was it! Madonna and Paul McCartney took forever to announce the best video of the year. I was yelling at them to get it over with so I could go to sleep. I didn’t fall asleep until after midnight, and was VERY tired the next morning with a head cold.

friday: september tenth, nineteen ninety-nine

I woke up early this morning with my head cold still, and felt close to terrible, but I wasn’t even sick enough to think about missing school. I reluctantly got up, and looked at Nathan’s picture. His eyes were squinted shut, and I said, "Yep, I know how you feel." I woke up to a bright light, and made the same expression he did too.

I ended up bringing that picture to school because I wanted to show it to some of my girlfriends. I showed him to Sarah, and she commented, "You’re right. He is cute." I replied with a foundated, "Stay away from him." I also showed it to Sophia, and it didn’t seemed like she was really impressed with him. That’s ok. She asked when he was coming to Redwood. I said in November, and that’s when Sophia is moving to Texas. Aw!!!

During lunch, one of our radio stations, Q97, was here and playing remixes of music. I was in the lunch line with Yvonne and one of her friends waiting to get some food, and we all wanted Q97 stickers. Her friend and I went to get some, and I put mine on my right ass pocket, and gave one to Yvonne.

In Drama, Mrs. Adams yelled at us for not being quiet and not paying attention to the rules of the game we were going to play.

My Geometry and Drama class are back to back, and in Geometry, we all heard Mrs. Adams yelling at her Drama Produciton class. Mr. Ayers made a comment about how she was yelling at her class last period. I spoke up by saying how I was in there and that people were talking and weren’t paying attention to the rules of the game. Then this kid in my geometry class said he wanted to get Drama because all we practically do in there is play games. Also, in Geometry, the whole class got 100’s on their quizes we took because Mr. Ayers made a promise to memorize all our names by the end of the first two weeks of school or he’d give us all 100%’s on our quiz for that day, and we won!

I got home later today and just relaxed. Went to tan. Just decided to be lazy. I had to wake up early tomorrow because people are going to look at our house around 10am, and we can’t be in the house while people are looking at it.

Before I went to sleep, I looked at Nathan’s picture for a long time. Then I wrote a poem about him. I think it’s really good. I just get all fluttery inside whenever I see or think about him.

Forget Josh, I’m moving on back to Nathan. This time I hope it’s love.

-my journal-

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