-broken love-

broken love

Open up your heart
And let me inside
Let me find your love for me
But you say that it has died

Why? I ask why?
Don't you love me anymore?
You say "I can't love you.
It's too late now,
I've closed the door."

I knew you loved to see me laugh
My face would light up like the sun
But now I am sad
I'm longing to be glad
But you have prevented that

I love you everday
Don't you know that I'm obsessing?
I know you see it
Why are you lying?

We go together so badly
Like peaches and cream
Carrots and peas
Cookies and milk
Just you and me

Please let this be

I love you baby

And you can't stop me

-my poetry-

-my writings-

-star side-