-no changes-

no changes

My view of the world
I see no changes
From what has happened
In yesteryear

The world I live in today
Is horrifyingly retched
I wonder why
And if there's a way to improve it

Then I think again
And at the point we're at
It's almost impossible

Once in a while
A cure is found
A species is saved
And then a war has broken out

It's sick
To know about
The stupid, selfish acts
That the generations of tomorrow
Can be influenced by

Or demolish with a good heart

It's the only choice
We have to depend on today
Can our children make the difference
In a better way?

Can we trust them?
Can we depend on their actions
To change our world today?
At the rate we're going
It's never going to change

-my poetry-

-my writings-

-star side-