-the aftermath-

the aftermath

At night
I lay on my bed
Curled up in a ball
Wrapping my arms around my waist
Wishing they were his

I remembered the good times
There were no bad times
If any were to happen
They weren't worth my two dimes

In public we were a married couple
Acting like best friends

In privacy we were a teenage couple
Deeply in love

I sure miss that

I've gotten over him
Don't worry about that
I'll still love him
No doubt about it

Sometimes I want him
Sometimes I don't
But right now
If he was here
It would be wrong
And I wouldn't want to be right

You must be confused now
I know I am
Love can make you do weird things
Take me for example
I'm here moping about him
When I can't have him

Shut up
I love him

-my poetry-

-my writings-

-star side-