

I bid myself away goodbye
To die
To release my grasp
I held onto you

Tried telling you once
Tried telling you again
Just tried telling you
Then I got tired of trying

Breathe now
I'm gone for good
Never see me again
Never hear me again
Never think me again

I hold my hands
I hold my breath
I make a wish

Bid my goodbyes
To you especially
The one who made it interesting
The one who changed me

Changed me to have fun
Changed me to let loose
Changed me for my being off better
Changed me because I didn't size up

Took away the worst year of my life
Took away the best year of my life
That's what you are
The best and worst part of me
The obsessed part of my being

When I say this now
I'll miss you forever
They day I leave
I'll forget you forever

Tried telling you once
Tried telling you twice
Just tried telling you
Then I got tired of trying

Oh look
I did it
I told you so

But dammit
Probably don't understand what I'm saying
And I know the reason why

This is what happens when two worlds collide

-my poetry-

-my writings-

-star side-