-the devil angel-

the devil angel

For: Toby

New people, new faces, new surroundings
Just see how much I am changing
Innocent girl who knows nothing
Bold dirty shit, about everything

Talk of the gossip
Float of the rumor
Sweet up front to your face
Prick in the back come more

Touched by an angel
Heaven sent to earth
Scrounged up by the devil
Reliving a new birth

Again I say
Dirty minds put at bay
All hide during the day
Come out at night to play

And I still stand
That heaven sent angel
With horns on my head
This shit I am, the devil

I love the new me
The new me wants myself back
Quitting is easier
But challenge is tougher

Find that boy
Who fiddled with the key
That lead to my heart
Yes, that was me

Went around the block once
Then stopped half way
Another boy came along
And took his place

He completed part of the race
Only a few feet Then one shattered moment
Left the first to compete

He started jogging
Then running to the hot pace
It was fast, it was good
He had an angel face

Yes he was an angel
With wings, and a halo
What I didn't see behind him
Was a wicked devil's tale

Suddenly his race stopped
Got sidetracked by the audience
Left when the finish line was in view
Everything went amiss

Including the feelings that I adorned
In this devil angel
Flooded otu in jealous anger
It was leaving, I could tell

And it seeped out nasty
Like blood on white carpet
Then I witnessed
I had just been another puppet

The childish games boys play with girls
Games to break our hearts
This game to break my heart
Ended quickly like it's start

Goodbye for now
I'll be back soon
I'm going back to heaven
Tomorrow around noon

I'll watch over you
Watch your petty games
Watch you, devil angel
Yes, that's your name

You're the devil angel
Walking in and out
Stepping off the track
To start a race, three about

You still wear
Those wings and that halo
Yet I see it now behind you
That wicked devil tail

The devil angel
Blessed my heart
Both anger and hope
Too bad we had part

The devil angel



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