

Dear Mr. President
I will not lie to you
My interest in politics equals none
But finally, you have won
We actually survived this through

Further into the race
I watched the television with wide eyes
At first, I could care less
Now my interest has definitely progressed
You being the winner is a big surprise

Republican or Democrat
Does not matter to me
As long as the issue is addressed
Who would have guessed
That our beliefs would agree?

So almost half the country didn't vote for you
They think you're a clown
They could care less
yet the other half voted for the best
Yes, you're the winner of the face-down

Mr. President
You're in charge now
How do you feel?
Can our country now be ideal?
Now is the time to take the vow

Today at your inauguration
Into our country's White House
You will stay for the next four years
And as it appears
It is Disneyland and you are Mickey Mouse

A couple more thoughts, Mr. President
That I address to you today
This great country we conceived
That we worked so hard to achieve
Just keep us away from that Judgement Day

Keep our economy properous
Do not delay your important decisions
Because now I realize
That it's you the people have thrived
Let's all keep an open mind on future visions

I now leave you, Mr. President
To lead our country away from harm
I thank you for my speech
Now it is your turn to teach
For the good luck you are the charm



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