-degree three-

degree three

Like I had promised myself, I pulled up to the Sonic Drive-Thru promply a six o'clock; maybe a few minutes over that goal.

And just like yesterday, I marched into the restaurant with my application all filled out and asked for the manager. The same guy who had served my food a month ago and that gave me the application greeted me briefly, and then handed me over to his superior.

Confidently, I handed him my application, and he scanned it briefly. A frustrated look creased onto his face, and it showed in his eyebrows.

"Hi, I'm applying to work here." I half asked, half stated, and raised my eyebrows in hope, as well as my voice. I was worried about the look he was displaying.

"Hello. Hey, I hate to be rude, but please wait outside, and I'll come out there to talk to you about this. Would you like anything to drink? It's on me." he said and offered.

"Oh, um, no thanks." I said, and headed out the door. I found a close table to sit at, and settled myself down.

Carhops went in and out of the restaurant, delivering food. Cars came and went. People came and went as well. The manager was taking quite a bit of time trying to get to me. I peered inside the restaurant to see what was going on. It seemed as if they were backed up on orders, so I still remained put and patient. The man that had took my application was talking to a couple of girls. I later heard that those girls were telling him they couldn't work a lot at this place anymore.

A couple of guys came to the restaurant, and sat at a table near me. As I looked ahead into the restaurant, I could feel their eyes boring into me. I even saw it out of the corner out of my eye.

Finally, the bigger of the two of the guys spoke up to me.

He asked the normal guy questions - "What's your name?" "How old are you?" "What school do you go to?" "Can I have your phone number?" Kimberly, sixteen, Westview, and no. He was surprised that I was sixteen years old. Maybe it's because I look older or mature? I'm not sure. He asked if I was interested in him, and I said, "Maybe, I don't know." And he asked about his brother, and I gave him my same reply, although I was checking out his brother, and he reminded me of the black guy on the Real World in Louisiana.

Finally, the man came out, and introduced himself as Rod Kleppe. The interview was very brief. I answered all the questions in answers that he wanted. I praised that I was responsible, a straight A student, and very mature; everything an authority figure desires to hear. And, bless that man's heart, he hired me.

After signing my life away to papers to officially work at this establishment, Mr. Kleppe, or Rod, as I call him now, informed me that there would be a crew meeting that Saturday morning at seven sharp in the morning. I abided to going. I needed to get a feel for my soon-to-be fellow crew members and the new environment I'd be employed in.

Seven o'clock in the morning wasn't that bad to wake up to. I was there a few minutes before seven o'clock, and I took a seat at a table and waited for everyone else to come flocking in for the meeting.

The meeting started roughly around seven thirty. As Rod was stating all the figures to be discussed, Toby stood at the end of the bench I was sitting at with Stacy, Maran, and another girl. The best part was when Toby remembered my name, and he'd only seen me a couple of times.

"You're Kim, right?" he asked, his left finger pointing at me and his right hand holding a pen to mark my attendance. I couldn't see his eyes that were hiding underneath the cap he wore.

"Yes, I am." I replied, and smiled at the thought that he remembered my name.

My first actual working day was the following Tuesday afternoon until closing.

I even planned the outfit I was wearing before I was addressed a uniform. Rod had informed me earlier that some of the people bought their own black shorts to wear because he had a shortened supply of them. I had done that that past weekend at Target for less than twenty dollars. So the outfit I came wearing was my blue camoflague shirt and the black shorts, and of course socks and tennis shoes.

As I walked towards the patio of the restaurant, I saw Rod at a table enjoying on of his many cigarette breaks. Toby was sitting at the table next to him, just chatting with Rod. Rod noticed I had arrived, and Toby started to briefly converse with me. Rob pulled me into the restaurant to get me trained, and Toby left me with one of his melting smiles.

-degree two-

-degree four-

-the crosser crusades-

-star side-