-degree four-

degree four

A couple weeks into my new employment, a fondness in my system had grown for Toby. For the most part, my mind was telling me "What a hottie! Oh wow, Kim, this guy is just...argh!" But the back of my mind was professing, "Do you know how old he is? He's probably like twenty-one or something! Yeah right Kim, like he's going to like you back."

You know, I hate it when the back of my mind ruins my fantasies. It's almost like, why bother?

I had gotten to know some of my co-workers, and it turned out a few of the girls were creaming for Toby just as much as I was, and even flirting some. So far, I had figured out that Shannon definitely liked him. This sparked a cold fire between us because for one thing, I was trying to learn how to work the register box that day, and she was assigned the same box as me. I had to keep asking for her help. She acted like I was the biggest idiot and that she was too busy expediting the food to help me. Yet, I still continued to try and be her friend.

I knew that Ashley liked Toby, too. But I'm not threatened by her. She's also my friend, so there won't be competition between us.

I'm not too sure, but I think that Birdie might like him. I'm not sure if she flirts with him or if it's just play. It seems like play, so I'm not threatened by her.

Sometime into my first two weeks there, I overheard that Toby was in a rush to get off work and go on a date with someone and somewhere. This news saddened me. My beloved Toby was going on a date with someone else. I later learned it was a girl from work. Her name is Melissa, and she's twenty something, with a kid. I only worked with her one shift, and unlike most of the people working on that shift, she wasn't pissy. I can say for the most part that she helped me out a lot and was patient with me. I praised her and thanked her for that. Even if Toby did go on a date with her, she remained on my good side.

Also during this work duration period, I learned that Toby might have fancied Sandra at some point in time. I was a little threatened by her because she is just the cutest little thing! She goes to the local college, Estrella Mountain Community College, and she tall, blonde, and perky. She's very sweet and cute though, so I couldn't blame Toby if he admired her.

Furthermore, the only person I was extremely threatened by, if there were any threats or extremities, was Shannon. Every shift that I shared with her, she flirted with Toby. Before work, she would come in early, and have long chats with him, including closing hours.

By the time I had analyzed all of these observations, I was beginning to lose the butterfly-stomach feeling I had acclaimed towards Toby. He even started to seem less attractive every shift that I worked! I was getting more and more saddened everytime I lost some degree of feeling towards him.

One closing shift night would change all of that...

-degree three-

-degree five-

-the crosser crusades-

-star side-