-degree six-

degree six

Ah, the climax of my tales so far happened on this very night.

Now, I'm positively sure that these following events happened on my next work shift, on that Wednesday of that week that I last worked.

Ah, again I try to sound smart. But it works sometimes!

Back to Tobias, the name that I call him in secret, as well as around my friends.

On my second consecutive day of that two-week period, Toby was the manager in charge of closing that night, as he usually was on Sunday and Wednesday nights, which was that night. I was scheduled to be on the second box taking orders and making drinks and ice cream as I had every single shift that I had been working since the beginning.

I was still learning the box, so Toby was going to train me that night (or at least assist me) to learn the menu on the box and take orders more quickly than I had been.

All night it had been him throwing ice at me, and me returning the favor. I would be finishing up taking an order, and before I could turn around, he dunked his hand in the ice box and threw a few pieces at my back. Like an immature flirting teenager, I defensively threw more pieces back at him. I felt so dorky, yet so loved at the same time. Sometimes he'd attempt at sticking ice down the back of my shirt, but I'd always catch him and dart away from him. I even reached the high level of paranoia when I was scooping ice into the bucket and he came over to me to get his drink on top of the ice machine. I thought he might reach his hand into the machine, pull out some ice, and throw it at me.

Not only did we throw ice at each other, we also talked to each other through our boxes. Along with working the box, I was car-hopping. Everytime I took out an order, Toby would talk into my box, and I wouldn't be able to reply because I was carrying a full tray of food and drinks and I certainly didn't want to spill or drop them. After I delivered the food, I would talk back into the box to him.

One time, he did some blowing thing into my earphone, and I had no idea what he was doing, so I asked him, "What the hell did you just do?" We were only five feet away from each other, yet we still talked through the boxes.

"I'm blowing in your ear, is it working?" he asked, smirking at me.

"Uh, well, I can't feel it Toby. Harder. Please." I replied sarcastically, and I took out another tray.

Later that night, Amber and I were just standing around and talking, making drinks and ice cream. She was supposed to be expediting (bagging food), but there weren't any orders, so we were just chatting.

"Hey, are you on the same box as Toby?" she asked, leaning herself against the ice bin.

"Yeah, why?" I asked, and turned around to look in the direction that she was, looking towards the back where Toby was chatting with one of the cooks.

She took my headset off and placed it on her head, then she pressed the B button and talked to him.

"Hey sexy." she seduced, giving him a lustful eye.

Toby turned around to see who said that, and saw us two. "Huh?" he asked, giving us an odd look.

"You wanna go in the back with me?" she asked in the same tone, moving her body in a seducing tone. This was all too hilarious for me. We all laughed in the end. I sure wouldn't mind going in the back with him, I thought.

The rest of the night went smoothly. Every now and then I would talk into his box. One time I said, "Who wants Trident - I do! I do!" just because I was bored. Toby probably thought I was a weirdo for doing so, but he laughed at it.

Most likely this was the climax of the never-existing fantasy relationship that I've dreamed of experiencing with him. But hey, as long as I get my flirts with him, I'll be okay for now.

-degree five-

-degree seven-

-the crosser crusades-

-star side-