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Veggin' Out: Episode 1

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One morning, Mr. Choy awoke to find that he was in his bed an enormous vegetable. He wondered what had caused him to awake so early. The ringing of the telephone suddenly jolted him to his senses.

“Hello,” he said, as he lifted the receiver to his head, “What, may I ask, prompts a call to me at this early hour?”

“Are you a Mr. Bok Choy?” asked the caller.

“I am, but why are you calling so early?” replied Mr. Choy.

“This is a call to congratulate you, Mr. Choy,” answered the cheery caller. “You’ve just won a prize in the annual town charity raffle!”

Now Mr. Choy found this odd, as he could not remember entering the town charity raffle. However, he decided that it was better to simply let the confusing, cheery person finish so that he could go back to sleep. “What did I win?” he asked.

“Mr. Choy, you’ve won a lifetime supply of Shredded Wheat™!” exclaimed the frighteningly cheerful caller. “We’ll send you a truckload on Tuesday!”

Now this truly bothered Mr. Choy. What was he going to do with a truckload of shredded wheat? It occurred to him that his roommates, a pair of mushrooms, might want some of it, but what was he to do with the rest?

“It can’t go bad very quickly, he thought. It’s health food, after all,” he reasoned, “but I don’t have any money to buy any other food. Maybe I should go and get a job? Yes, but what kind of job? Why am I thinking to myself like this? It’s three in the morning!” He turned over and quickly fell back to sleep.

Later that morning, he went out into the abyss of work advertisements in the local newspaper. Unfortunately, many of the jobs required far more previous experience than he was able to offer. Several jobs caught his eye, however. There were openings at the local mall’s food court at the Panda Espresso, the Baja Flesh, and the Bigger Burger. He stopped searching, however, when he realized that there was still some pizza in the refrigerator left over from a party two nights previous. He pulled out the pizza, poured a glass of water, and began to read the comics.


Three Months Earlier: Town Hall

“DUDE!!!” exclaimed the mushroom, “I’ve just thought of an awesome prank!”

“Well do tell!” prompted his companion.

“You see that charity raffle box over there?” asked the first mushroom.

“Yeah, but what kind of a prank is that?” replied the second mushroom.

“Dude, it’s not the box that’s the prank, but the things inside the box! We can enter the BC man in this raffle, see, and all that he can win is serious health food. You know he hates health food!” explained the first mushroom.

“Dude, that’s tight! That’s, like, a totally incredible zap, dude!” exclaimed the second mushroom. “Let’s do it!”