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About Me

This is me. I am 14 years old, and in the 9th grade. Yay! I made it to high school, now comes the hard stuff. I go to a Vail High School, the mascot is the boxers. How STUPID is that. And the school paper is called "Boxers of Briefs?" But the school is really cool. It is technology based, and we have three huge computer labs. Hey, I might as well be doing an add or something!

I hang out with my friends Kyle, Dawn, and my cousins Sean and Ian, and all of their friends. I am in student council, which is actually cooler than it sounds. Plus my gothic cousin Sean is the president, so it's even cooler!I get to help plan out the school dances and even the prom! So, if you dont like the way your school is run, join your student council!

I am very proud to be the only freshmn, and the only girl, in the advanced web design course at my school!

I love computers, how did people live before them? I am really getting into web design now, can't you tell? I have two websites now, arent you PROUD of me!? If you want to see my other site, click here, its about Dragon Ball Z.

Would you like to visit my friend Kyles web site? Then Click Here! His site is about his Paintballing team.
Or you can visit my Cousin Seans website by Clicking Here! His site is about wicca (aka witchcraft) and he sells some pretty cool stuff.

About Me


Season 1

Season Info
Screen Shots

Season 3
Season 4