I chose to weld everything together because I wasn’t looking forward to drilling that many holes to put the cage in. It can be done though. The best option is to weld it together. Either way You can buy the cage for about $500 and have someone weld in the fabricated parts. Which beats the $1600 to $2000 for a custom cage.
The most difficult one to do is the passenger side center hoop extension. There isn’t much material to work with so you will have to use the grinder to grind out and cut down some of the 1.5" I.D. sleeve so as to maximize structural integrity.
The rear bars is where you are going to put the other 2 pieces of 8" cage. So you will cut the rear bars in half and put the extension in between the pieces you cut in half and sleeve it with the 14" I.D. steel. I forgot to take pictures of this before I put the padding and tape on the cage so you’re just going to have to visualize it.