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Adventure Crew
    The adventure crew is a new concept to our troop! It is the gathering of the older and more experienced members that are or have taken on a leader ship role, such as being the Senior Patrol Leader.

This small group of members that is steadily growing has the privilege of do the more strenuous and vigorous activities. Such as cave spelunking, rock climbing, repelling, and backpacking.

This group is supervised by ( ) and yet is still run by the scouts themselves. They choose what they want to do and when they choose to do the activity. As well as train and prepare for what they wish to do using the resources the adults provide. Picture (N/A)
llPicture (N/A) Our last trip was at ( ) where the scouts went cave spelunking! Venturing far back crawling through mud and crevasses to reach the very back! While in the cave the group ate there lunch and had much fun during the hours they where exploring the cavern!

Complete Roster
Committee members
Adventure Crew
Yearly Calendar
Basic Program
Meeting Themes
Dues Info
Monthly Calendar
Upcoming Dinner
Previous Dinners