


Rating: G

Summary: Daniel meets up with an old acquaintance.

Every Little Detail    

Rating: G

Summary: It's been months since his descension, and Daniel has finally remembered everything. Except the one thing niggling at the back of his mind...what is it?


Rating: G

Summary:: Daniel meets up with an old acquaintance.


Rating: G 

Category: Angst, a lil' H/C I suppose and some friendship.

Summary: The after effects of the events that happened in Legacy still linger...will Daniel come to terms with them?

Fair Game?

Rating: G

Category: Angst, H/C

Summary: Did Daniel know more than he let on about what the Goa'uld's would want from the treaty?

Free Time

Rating: G

Category: Angst, H/C

Summary: Jack helps Daniel talk out a few 'issues' left over from the episode.

Full Circle- Missing Scene

Rating; G

Category: Angst, a lil' H/C I suppose and some friendship.

Synopsis: Sam is a little miffed at Daniel's greeting after a year long absence...and she lets him know.

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