Like Everything's Okay, by MajelB
Summary: Sam tries to figure out where she fits in, now that Jack and Daniel are together, learning a few things about her friends and herself along the way.
AIM to Please, by Devra and MajelB
Rating: R
Summary: Jack and Daniel... AOL instant messenger. Hilarity ensues.
Elusive Tube, by Devra and MajelB
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Daniel's looking for something...
Five More Minutes, by MajelB
Rating: PG
Summary: Jack and Daniel have more in common than they realize.
Downtime, By Devra and MajelB
Pairings: Jack/Daniel, Sam/Janet, established relationship
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A little downtime for the hardworking guys and gals of the SGC.