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The Priceless Boys:

Still a bit dusty and under Construction!   Updates soon!   Ya'll come on back soon, ya hear! 

HOF VCH. WTCH. ASCA / Int'l CH. Soundtrack's Captain Bandit, CDX, CGC, HRDs

Bandit retrieving Bandit 'n Ducks Bandit finsihing VCH & CDX

And His Son's:

VCH CH. Bold Legend's Masked Bandit, CDX, OTDs, ATDcd (AKC ptd) "Ranger"

News Flash!!!     Ranger finishes up his VCH in New Mexico!!! 

CH. Bold Legend's Thief of Hearts, CD, STDcd, OTDs "Maverick"

Priceless Boldlgnd Storm Cloud, CGC, OTDd, STDc, RTDc (ASCA ptd) "Austin"