Welcome to our website!
Backyard Productions is constantly trying to come up with new ideas for our viewers, and we hope that one day our viewers will increase in size as we get more equipment. Due to being a "backyard production" crew, we only have the equipment that the average, everyday Joe would have. We plan on earning money somehow in order to provide the company with better equipment in order to make better videos for you.
Video Updates
Backyard Productions is currently in the thought stage of a new series of videos. These videos will be the exposure of Law Enforcement (such as Cops) and ask them why they are breaking the law. We will then post videos up as we go around our hometown of Lakeland, FL. We hope that you will enjoy this new series of videos as it will be fun to talk to the Law Enforcement and find out why they parked in a non-designated area, or why they did a U-turn in a business district, ect.