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The Capitol Of Heavy Metal®

Mission Plans
10:13 P.M. - Dale will get home from work at the shop.
10:26 P.M. -Dale will sit down to watch MaXimum EXposure
10:35 P.M. - I will suit up and begin my mission
10:54 P.M. -I will set explosives, and hold my position, to the side of Dales house.
11:01 P.M. -I will put road blocks into place, and set fire to the street in front of Dales house.
11:10 P.M. -I will detonate the explosives, forcing Dale to come out side to see what all the racket is.
It is then that Dale will first see me, silhouetted by the roaring fire,
raising one arm, and then one finger, I will beckon Dale into my domain.
11:20 P.M. -I will fight Dale until he starts screaming for help, then while he is screaming, I will spit in his mouth and laugh. Then I'll leave his limp, unconscious body lying in the street, and make my get away.
11:30 P.M. -I will arrive back at my house via my escape route.