UPDATE: 1/21/02: I feel like a rock. I totally forgot to put up a fan art submission until now. :( Elaine...Your ed pic is up. Many apologies! :*( >sob< Oh, and added a few more pics to my band guys page...
Update:1/18/02: Hey, I scanned some of the pics of my new muse over the break, and created a little nook for them. Scroll down and you'll see a new button... Feel free it email me with ideas...In fact...im all for them. Anything. Well, almost... You know..if you're bored. >wink wink<
UPDATE:12/4/01: Added some fun guys to BNL Inspired works, and Added my pics from the Thinbuckle Gigs.
UPDATE: 11/26/01: Added a new section for those craving photos. I couldnt do regular photos though....
UPDATE!: 10/30/01: Oh goodness...wouldnt you all like to know? Hmmm, well...you kids just wander around this page, and I think you'll notice a few new things, that will delight you to no end. Let's just say I brought an esential computer/art tool from home and set it up.... :)
UPDATE!: 10/17/01: Um...added my new site banner, and this cool banner above! Ahahaha! And the links are updated! Added 2 new polls too!
UPDATE!: 10/16/01 :Just touching up the looks. I think this looks more...professional. Well, not really, but it looks nicer....
UPDATE!: 10/08/01: Updated the fan fiction page, and cleaned it up a bit. Added my own story, thank you very much. ;P Remember, Im still looking for YOUR contributions hosers! And...just to update ya'll...I'm considering bringing my scanner to school...I have been on a creative rampage....
UPDATE!: 9/23/01: Thank you for bare-ing with me. But dont get your comic anticipating undies in a bunch...ok...yeah..maybe you should. Still no comics...BUT...I have something even cooler...animated...barenaked buddy icons. Oh yeah, go check it out. More to come...
UPDATE: 9/3/01: EDITOR'S NOTE.... Hey there, thanks for being patient and all...waiting with baited breath for the next installment...but alas...i have some grief news....You see....the thing is....I'm at college..(yay, education!) in a dorm...(yay, social interactment!) with my computer...(yay, stay in touch with friends and family!) without a scanner... (yay, um...wait...no...) Thats right. In order to conserve space...I didnt bring it. Im sorry...I didnt think of the consequences! >sob< So um......I really cannot say when the next Big Bad Barenaked Bus installment is....But....maybe....hang tight. Me, out.
UPDATE: 7/14/01: Added a whole new section dedicated to the Downward Dog thing. Dig it dudes.
UPDATE!!: 6/15/01: Added 3 more fan arts, updated the polls, and added a Banter section. Basically...you get to be silly and say things for all to read.
Real Update!! 5/25/01: Another comic!!!
The OH MY GOSH UPDATE! Oh my gosh meaning...I've been neglecting my site! Ive been so busy! you know...finishing up 1st year of college, getting a job, trying to have a social life...its hard work! Anyway, i added a fan pic from BNLax thats a real cute little number, and I have a comic...its just not put together yet. :T But I remembered it, and i'll put it together as soon as possibleh. (ps: its for the hearniaks! >waves little flag that says "kevin hearn rules!" and runs off giggling<
UPDATES...: ??/??/?? There will be continuing updates whenever i get a peice submitted to the fanart and/or fan writing section. So far we've got a few cool pics, and a bnl-esque song....go check it out guys! And keep sending stuff in!
Added some band bio pages! ;) and some nifty buttons
An Update:My mind's been talking, and it says "check out the new comic!" Some Update: Coolie COOL! Another comic!
Day After Fools Day Update: NEAT-O! Added a Poll thingy! Should be fun fun fun! =D
The Fools Day Update: No Joke here, i updated! I added 3 more pictures to the last picture page! I think they're perty darn cool, and you Edophiles should like at least one of them! ;)
Udate That Happened a While Ago: Cool! For you Creegganites out there...(I dont know if people who dig Jim are called Creegganites...but doesnt it just sound cool?) Theres a new comic starring Jimmy Creeg!
Last Update: Wow! Not only did I join the brand barenaked spankin new Kevin Hearn webring, I added comics! Actually, I added a comic yesterday, but I added another today! WOW!
Update before the last update: I added another page...of pictures! Actually 3 new pages! WOW! I've been bored the past few weeks and it shows...check it out!
Pre-pre-previous Update: Added...the main image! Yay! Gaze upon its nakedness!
pre-previous Update: Added a guest book, sign at will. Or else!
Update before that: HI! For you Hearniaks out there, theres a real cute picture added to the picture gallery. Its on the bottom. (pun intended. you'll understand when you see it!) ;) Enjoy!