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UPDATE: 1/15/02: Well happy New Year! I feel the need to apologize to all of you who were maybe expecting a new comic or the like during the holiday season. I could have done some, but I left my computer here at it was quite impossible for me to access the crockpot for three weeks. Well, and my creativness has taken a little turn. If you are devotees, you'll have noticed I actually made up some band characters of my own. Over the break they became my muse and creative outlet, and have therefore dominated my doodles. But, fear not....for these characters coincide in the same world as BNL, and thusly BNL is not out of their lives, therefore, not out of your lives through doodles. And I have no idea what I just wrote, but it sounds good. In other words...I've been mainly working on these characters, who are band guys, who live in TO, and they dig bnl amoungst other Canadian musical guys. (read: Rheostatics, Thin Buck, Bros Creeg...) ((super side note: The Rheos really rock. They're a bit weird at first, but then everything starts clicking. Its great. Oh, and the liner notes help too because the way they sing some words you're not sure what the heck they are saying. I'd recomend Night of the Shooting Stars. PIN is a very cool, song. Even if it is just need to listen to it. yeah.)) What was I talking about?? Oh, dont worry. BNL is still there. But, I wouldnt mind if you check out the progress my real creative-ness is taking. Which reminds me, I should scan the pics I did of them over break. What else? Oh! New poll... Bonsoir!

UPDATE: 1/21/02: I feel like a rock. I totally forgot to put up a fan art submission until now. :( Elaine...Your ed pic is up. Many apologies! :*( >sob< Oh, and added a few more pics to my band guys page...

Update:1/18/02: Hey, I scanned some of the pics of my new muse over the break, and created a little nook for them. Scroll down and you'll see a new button... Feel free it email me with ideas...In all for them. Anything. Well, almost... You know..if you're bored. >wink wink<

UPDATE:12/4/01: Added some fun guys to BNL Inspired works, and Added my pics from the Thinbuckle Gigs.

UPDATE: 11/26/01: Added a new section for those craving photos. I couldnt do regular photos though....

UPDATE!: 10/30/01: Oh goodness...wouldnt you all like to know? Hmmm, kids just wander around this page, and I think you'll notice a few new things, that will delight you to no end. Let's just say I brought an esential computer/art tool from home and set it up.... :)

UPDATE!: 10/17/01: Um...added my new site banner, and this cool banner above! Ahahaha! And the links are updated! Added 2 new polls too!

UPDATE!: 10/16/01 :Just touching up the looks. I think this looks more...professional. Well, not really, but it looks nicer....

UPDATE!: 10/08/01: Updated the fan fiction page, and cleaned it up a bit. Added my own story, thank you very much. ;P Remember, Im still looking for YOUR contributions hosers! And...just to update ya'll...I'm considering bringing my scanner to school...I have been on a creative rampage....

UPDATE!: 9/23/01: Thank you for bare-ing with me. But dont get your comic anticipating undies in a bunch...ok...yeah..maybe you should. Still no comics...BUT...I have something even cooler...animated...barenaked buddy icons. Oh yeah, go check it out. More to come...

UPDATE: 9/3/01: EDITOR'S NOTE.... Hey there, thanks for being patient and all...waiting with baited breath for the next installment...but alas...i have some grief news....You see....the thing is....I'm at college..(yay, education!) in a dorm...(yay, social interactment!) with my computer...(yay, stay in touch with friends and family!) without a scanner... (yay, Thats right. In order to conserve space...I didnt bring it. Im sorry...I didnt think of the consequences! >sob< So um......I really cannot say when the next Big Bad Barenaked Bus installment is....But....maybe....hang tight. Me, out.

UPDATE: 7/14/01: Added a whole new section dedicated to the Downward Dog thing. Dig it dudes.

UPDATE!!: 6/15/01: Added 3 more fan arts, updated the polls, and added a Banter section. get to be silly and say things for all to read.

Real Update!! 5/25/01: Another comic!!!

The OH MY GOSH UPDATE! Oh my gosh meaning...I've been neglecting my site! Ive been so busy! you know...finishing up 1st year of college, getting a job, trying to have a social life...its hard work! Anyway, i added a fan pic from BNLax thats a real cute little number, and I have a comic...its just not put together yet. :T But I remembered it, and i'll put it together as soon as possibleh. (ps: its for the hearniaks! >waves little flag that says "kevin hearn rules!" and runs off giggling<

UPDATES...: ??/??/?? There will be continuing updates whenever i get a peice submitted to the fanart and/or fan writing section. So far we've got a few cool pics, and a bnl-esque song....go check it out guys! And keep sending stuff in!

UPDATED: 4/23/01

Added some band bio pages! ;) and some nifty buttons

Last Update:Added some charicatureized bnl to the last art page! And I finnaly made an Update Page!

An Update:My mind's been talking, and it says "check out the new comic!" Some Update: Coolie COOL! Another comic!

Day After Fools Day Update: NEAT-O! Added a Poll thingy! Should be fun fun fun! =D

The Fools Day Update: No Joke here, i updated! I added 3 more pictures to the last picture page! I think they're perty darn cool, and you Edophiles should like at least one of them! ;)

Udate That Happened a While Ago: Cool! For you Creegganites out there...(I dont know if people who dig Jim are called Creegganites...but doesnt it just sound cool?) Theres a new comic starring Jimmy Creeg!

Last Update: Wow! Not only did I join the brand barenaked spankin new Kevin Hearn webring, I added comics! Actually, I added a comic yesterday, but I added another today! WOW!

Update before the last update: I added another page...of pictures! Actually 3 new pages! WOW! I've been bored the past few weeks and it shows...check it out!

Pre-pre-previous Update: Added...the main image! Yay! Gaze upon its nakedness!

pre-previous Update: Added a guest book, sign at will. Or else!

Update before that: HI! For you Hearniaks out there, theres a real cute picture added to the picture gallery. Its on the bottom. (pun intended. you'll understand when you see it!) ;) Enjoy!