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By now, you have taken the first step into the Home Of The Interplayers. Fluent Interplay is a band, which consists of "boys" that originally come from Narvik in the north of Norway, but have now started to move around a bit. A question that's often asked is which type or genre of music the band belongs to. Well, I hate to answer that question, but I'll try. The name "Fluent Interplay" was first used after their fist concert, and is supposed to describe the music and the way the band connected according to ourselves. This name reflects what we believe our music is about. If you're unsatisfied with this description, I'll try to be more specific; The band consists of 6 individuals, who in their turn gives the music spice by adding their own styles. The finished product can be described as alternative rock with influences from jazz, blues, folk, country (!?) and more. In short terms, it's difficult to put exact words to it. Therefor, you are now being invited to continue farther into our homepage, and if you have the opportunity, listen to us, either by downloading our Mp3 files or try to catch us live! Then you can make up your own mind about us. Hopefully you'll find the time to sign our guestbook and answer our poll at the same page. If you have a question or wanna sign up for Fluent news, mail us at Fluent Interplay.




Sorry!!! I've been a bad boy, 'cause I haven't updated this page since God knows when!!! I blame it on being lazy, lack of time and shortage of internett accesibility. But now I've got some time, got ADSL and have eaten lots of sugar... A lot of new stuff has happened even though it's a long time since we appeared in public. First of all, all of us, eccept Magne, have moved to Bodø, and we've managed to get hold of a great place to practice. During the first months (until Nov/Dec) we didn't do much songwritting (wonder why...), but lately we have improved lots on that bit. When it comes to public appearances, it has been totally opposite from the songwritting. After Xmas we haven't done nuthin', which may be both nice, but also boring. Before Xmas we played at "RockStock" in Bjerkvik. We actually won an award at that gig, the other two awards that were up for grabs were won by an excellent band from Tromsø called "Hangface". We won the prize for Best Song, it went to "Some Kind Of Love" When it comes to winning stuff, I'm very proud to tell that we indeed also won the Boom2001 competition in Bodø. The prize for that event was a fully paid, included fees, tour in the northern part of Norway, and that is something you just can't leave behind...The tour was ment to take us to Bodø, Harstad, Tromsø and Alta in February, but because some of the people behind that tour have used a long, long time planning the whole trip, it has been delayed. The date they are working for now is sometime in April. We also played in a competition called Zoom, but we weren't good enough that time. New things that are happening are us playing at Rallarrock, but we are also wanted to play a gig or two in Lofoten, so things are getting on tracks again. Nice!


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- Reidar J. Schille -