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The show at Castle Heights started out kinda slow... I walked in just as Newground was starting their set.. if people actually got to shows early these days, Newground's set would have surely brought the house down, they rocked as usual and those who were there most definitely enjoyed it..but wait..what am i not hearing?.. what no backlash? haha, it don't matter, they were still awesome.

Next to play was Hidden Agenda. The place started to fill up a bit and punk rock soon began to fill the air.. Hidden Agenda blasted their way through the set, playing their normal bunch o' songs plus a few fairly new ones, like Mullet, everyones favorite haircut as Rob Agenda put it. They ended with a misfits cover which got a whole lot of people riled up, the perfect setup for a great evening..

Closer then Kin played next, i think they were from Boston.. I really don't know too much about these guys but they played a real good set consisting of a Traditional Hardcore sound.. if i had some money to buy the cd i surely would have, i offered to trade one of the feel the pain compilations but since about 10 other people at the show still have their lot, the meer sight of this sadistic records comp is beginning to become an eyesore...

NYC's 5 Minute Major got the crowd really going, its good to see people in the scene getting more into it as of late, especially at castle heights, looks like this is going to be remain the stronghold for Queens (and surrounding areas) hardcore scene.. When 5MM went into a crown of thorns cover, the entire place went buck wild.. i can't even remember what happened after that, it was just great, alot of moving around...

and we get to the headlining band, On The Rise. By this time, castle heights was getting quite packed. On the Rise hit the stage and forced an immediate response from the crowd.. the ripped through their set of old school singalong style songs, and guess what, there were lots of great pile-ons and photo-ops, haha! These guys definitely know how to get the crowd going, their songs are catchy and when you see them, it makes you want to learn the lyrics so you can sing along with everyone else crowding around frontman Damien

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