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5th Faction opened the show and rocked, but as usual, nobody was there early enough to see them play. These are a good bunch of kids and they sing about meaningful thought provoking topics and should be checked out.

Next 2 Last was next 2 play.<--stupid joke. Next 2 Last always playes a great set, even when they drink themselves into oblivion. Their set was tight but short.. they played a new song which was awesome. They also played my personal favorite, Revenge. But once again, not many people were there to see them, and its a shame cause these opening bands are the future of the scene, I think everyone should get into the newer bands' music, and i'm not just saying this to plug anybody, I'm saying this cause I honestly believe that these bands have talent and heart.

Next up was Human Shell. These guys were formerly known as Slugfest. They still kick ass and play some really heavy stuff. You should get a holf of their demo tape if you don't have it already. The only thing that might make them better is if they had a fulltime bass player so the singer could concentrate on the vocals, he has a good presence and it is suppressed while he has to play the bass.

100 Demons from CT was next in the lineup. They have a good sound and represented their scene very well. I like the CT style personally. By this time, the place had started to fill up, but the problem is... everyone likes to stand way in the back, i guess thats fun or something?? but anyway, they kicked ass and i got punched in the head a few times, kicked in the gut and pushed to the ground--- it was fucking great (and you like to stand in the back???)
---that was not sarcasm---

and finally, Merauder. Merauder have been producing quality music and attitude for many years now, and they didn't show any signs of letting go just yet. They played all their greatest songs including Master Killer, which set the crowd into a frenzy.. the guitarist didn't stop having trouble throughout the whole set, but he made the bast of it by diving on top of peoples heads, haha. the show was good, there was a decent turnout for Merauder but the earlier bands missed out on the crowd... I was expecting to ket killed during Merauder's set but it remained unusually calm for one of their shows..

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