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MAY 10TH, 2001 at Ground Zero, Long Island

Breath of Silence made it to LI from Orange County in under 2 hours during NYC rush hour traffic.. don't ask how this was accomplished since it takes me 30 minutes to get from westbury to massapequa at 6pm and thats only like 10 miles.. but they did it. Breath of Silence played a great set i think most people will like them once they give them a chance... nice mix of metal and beatdown. real high energy, check em out, its that dude Rich's band who posts on her all the time..

Dropshaft played better than i have ever seen them play before.. it was their fist time playing in 6 months and the impressed me alot. John is an awesome frontman and he gets props from me.

The Wage of Sin played very well. They are definitely worth checking out. they have lots of good breakdowns. I'm not used to hearing a girl scream like that and i was real surprised.. sounded tight too

I'm not going to review my own band, Fist Full of Dust and we were all too drunk to remember how we played, but we had alot of fun. There werent too many people there but it was very decent for a thursday night show with no headlining band.

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