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Against All Odds - Chapter Eight

“Hi, Mr. McLean, I’m Doctor Megan Jonas,” the tiny blond woman announced as she slipped into the hospital room.

AJ eyed her warily. She was a young woman, appeared to be in her late 20’s and had a no nonsense way about her. Her hair was in a tightly wrapped bun and the dark, square rimmed glasses laid halfway down her nose.

She approached the bed and laid the clipboad on the nightstand next to the untouched breakfast tray. “How come you haven’t eaten?

“I’m not really that hungry,” AJ replied.

“You need nourishment if you expect to get better,” the doctor stated as she polished the end of her stephoscope.

“See doc, that’s the thing, I don’t see why I have to heal anything, I don’t understand any of this.”

“For starters Alex, you were in a horrific car accident, not to mention you laid in this bed in a coma for eighteen months. Your body went through a tremendous shock and it takes time to recooperate.”

“I’d like to see my mother and my friends. No one will call them for me since I obviously don’t have a phone and they keep telling me to ask the doctor, so will you?”

Dr. Jonas gently placed the stephoscope around her shoulders. She pulled a chair out from the corner of the room and sat down. “There’s something I need to tell you.”

AJ noticed that her facial expression took on a harder, serious tone. He fidgeted in his bed, not sure where this conversation was going to lead. “Okay.”

“While you about six months into your coma, your mother and the men from that group you were affiliated with had planned on holding a charity for brain injury awareness. Your mother and the four men were traveling together in a private jet to New York. They never made it there.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Their plane crashed and there weren’t any survivors, I’m sorry,” the doctor stated in a hushed voice.

AJ’s eyes shifted back and forth as he tried to grasp the doctor’s words. “NO, YOU’RE LYING TO ME!”

“It’s the truth, I wanted to wait to tell you after you had been strong enough to take the shock of the news, but you were so persistent about someone calling your mother or the---”

“NO.. NO... NO” AJ screamed out over and over, covering his face with his hands.

Dr. Jonas reached into the left deep pocket on her white lab coat and produced a syringe. She quickly injected the medication into AJ’s arm. He flinched and drew back just as the last drop of medication entered his body. As Dr. Jonas watched AJ fight to stay awake, she smiled, pleased that he was going to lay back and rest. She waited until he laid back and fell into a drug induced slumber, wordlessly adjusting the blankets around her patient.

“Sleep well, Alex, we’ll talk again later.”

Chapter 9