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Against All Odds - Chapter Fifteen

“I honestly think you and Brian should just stay here and let the police do their jobs,” Kevin urged as he watched Nick open the trunk to the rental car.

After slamming the hatch closed Nick turned and faced Kevin. “I can’t sit here and wait for them to look for a body that isn’t there--”

Kevin sighed.

“I personally don’t give a rat’s ass what you think, we’re gonna go look for AJ, retrace his steps,” Nick insisted.

“Brian, how could you possibly be getting involved in this, you know how crazy this is!” Kevin pleaded as he watched his cousin place a bag in the back seat of the car.

“I’m sort of in agreement with Nick. I want to find closure with this as badly as you do, but I want to look at all the possibilties in this before I accept it and retracing his final night is the only way we can do this Kevin,” Brian stated in a calm voice. “Nick, where’s the keys?”

“I got ‘em,” Nick smiled as he jingled the set in his hand.

Brian held an open hand out towards Nick. “Hand them over.”

“But, I got ‘em, let me drive!”

Brian shook his head, a smirk on his face. “I rented the car, it’s on my credit card, there’s no way in hell I’m going to let you drive! I value my life.”

“Hey, I’m not a bad driver!” Nick protested, jutting out his lower lip.

“Did I even say that? I just want to get there in once piece, thank you very much. Now, can I have the keys please?”

Sighing loudly, Nick slapped the keys into Brian’s open hand. “Fine, but I get to pick what’s on the radio!”

Brian and Kevin both rolled their eyes as they watched Nick bound towards the passenger side of the rental car.

“Brian, you make sure you call me if you find anything, and please just keep in touch with us so we know that everything is okay with y’all.”

“We will, and the same from you , alright?”

As Kevin and Brian hugged, the sound of the automatic window on the driver’s side rolling down, interrupted the quiet.

“Yeah, yeah, you love him, let’s go!” Nick yelled from the car.

“Nickolas, just behave and be calm, okay?” Kevin advised.

“Okay daddy, bye! Hey were did you put the...”

Nick’s voice was shut out once Brian closed the car door. Kevin shook his head as he watched the car go down the road heading towards the last club that AJ ever played at. He could feel the sadness well up in his heart.

“Good luck, guys,” Kevin whispered as he watched the car disappear. With tears in his eyes, he looked out at the water where AJ’s car had plummeted. “Good luck,” he murmurred.

Chapter Sixteen