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AGAINST ALL ODDS - Chapter Three

"Whoa Nick, slow down okay? We don’t need to get into an accident too," Brian stated as he grabbed the handle by the car door.

"I’m not going that fast," Nick replied, never taking his eyes from the road. "This all has to be some mistake, you realize it, don’t you?"

"You mean about AJ’s car going into the water?"

Nick nodded slightly, still having his eyes focused on the road and now the flashing lights that were ahead in the distance.

"Well, I’m praying it isn’t him, but if it is, I’m also praying that he somehow miraculously escaped."

Nick’s stomach was in knots as he eased the car off onto the shoulder of the road. He spotted Howie’s car and assumed that he and Kevin were already standing along the shoreline.

"Oh shit."

Brian stopped in midstride and turned to see what Nick’s attention was focused on.

"Can’t they just give it a rest for a day?" Nick said as he shook his head when he saw the news van from WTOG parked along the road.

Brian clamped a hand on Nick’s shoulder, coaxing him to keep on walking. "Just ignore it Nick, it’s bound to happen no matter who was involved in this."

They joined Kevin and Howie, standing along the water’s edge, staring at the boat in the water with a crane ontop of the deck. There were divers dressed in bright green scuba suits popping above the surface every once in awhile.

"Have you heard anything yet?" Brian asked his cousin.

Kevin stared at the water, rubbing his index finger back and forth under his nose, sniffling. "No, not a word."

Howie folded his arms across his chest. "What the heck is taking so damn long?"

"S-h-h-h-h... LOOK!" Nick whispered sternly and pointed towards the water at a scuba diver that was holding a hand up in the air and twirling a finger up in a circular motion.

As the crumpled BMW emerged from the water, the four men stood along the shore, each face holding a different look of shock, bewilderment and loss.

Chapter Four