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A puzzled AJ looked at the pale blue walls that surrounded him. He blinked his eyes twice, thinking that his vision HAD to be messed up, but each time he was met with the same pale blue walls. He quickly decided that he had to get up and find out where he was and what was going on.

He managed to throw the blankets off his body when the door to the room was quickly opened.

"Hey now, you can’t just jump out of bed," the older woman dressed in hospital scrubs half-scolded/half-teased.

AJ noticed a plastic ID bracelet that hadn’t been on his wrist before. It reminded him of a hospital bracelet. Glancing down, he noticed that he was wearing a hospital gown.

"What the hell is going on here!?" he demanded.

"Don’t you remember?"

"Remember what? What the hell is going on? Can somebody please tell me!"

"My, my, you are the impatient one," the woman replied as she approached the bed. "Okay, tell what is the last thing you recall?"

AJ laid his head back on the pillow, thinking. "I, ah, I guess I remember driving home after a JNN gig and I was tired, but I don’t remember anything specific. Where did you say I was?"

The woman smiled sweetly. "You’re in the hospital."

AJ immediately looked at his arms and then moved his feet. "Everything seems to be working so I guess I’m okay. Can I call for a ride home?"

The woman’s face suddenly grew serious. "You will have to talk to Dr. McKenzie. I will send for him. You need to rest. Can I turn your television on or did you want to read a newspaper?"

"I don’t want to read or watch anything, I need to see this Dr. McKenzie," AJ snapped.

"Alright, I will go get him," the woman replied as she turned and walked out of the room, softly closing the door behind as she left.

He waited a few moments before he threw the covers back off his legs again. "This is just plain assinine!" AJ sputtered as he got out of the bed and walked towards the closet. He found his clothes, hanging neatly on hangers, the pair of shoes lined up on the floor of the closet. Grabbing the clothes, hangers and all, he threw them down onto the bed. AJ stopped quickly in his task when he caught a glimpse of his face in the mirror. It was as if on cue the door to the room opened and a doctor with a nurse appeared.

"Mr. McLean? I’m Dr. McKenzie."

AJ didn’t tear his gaze from his face, he could feel the color draining.

"You really should be laying down, this is the first time you’ve been up and you may fall," Dr. McKenzie stated as he approached AJ and tried to lead him back to the bed.

AJ jerked his arm out of the doctor’s grasp. "Wha... what the hell is going on? Who gave anyone permission to do this to me?"

The doctor looked at AJ’s face and then at the reflection in the mirror. "Oh, you mean the fact that you’re clean shaven? No more goatee?"

"For starters, hell yes," AJ rasped.

"Please, I need you to sit down, this all will come as a shock for you and I want you to be sitting when I tell you," the doctor coaxed.

"No, you tell me here and right now, dammit!" AJ insisted.

The doctor sighed loudly before he spoke. "Well, okay I guess you want it delivered bluntly. You were in a car accident."

AJ looked at his reflection, wondering where this was leading. There were no marks or bruises that he could see, he felt fine.

"You’ve been in a coma."


"For eighteen months."

When the words registered, AJ felt his legs give out. He quickly grabbed the edge of the sink, preventing himself from falling as the doctor and nurse rushed up and grabbed him.

Chapter Three